The Unprecedented Death Spiral of 2021

By: - January 14, 2022

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Recent reports bring alarming numbers from insurance companies about the death rates of working-age men and women, which have spiked dramatically in the last few months.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rate we have seen in the history of this business,” Scott Davison, CEO of OneAmerica, an old and respected insurance company, recently announced. “The data is consistent across every player in that business,” Davison said. According to Davison, death claims have shot up 40 percent, primarily among people aged 18 to 64. “Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths.”

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is,” Davison said, “a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”

How to explain this dramatic leap in the number of deaths? This staggering increase might be a freak of nature, yet Davison’s words seem to belie that possibility.

We might blame the number of deaths on COVID-19 and its viral descendants. Yet for almost two years the experts have told us that people younger than 65 rarely die from the virus, and until now circumstances have borne out the validity of that claim. In addition, Davison pointed out that most of these death claims had nothing to do with the virus.

Moreover, tens of millions of Americans of all ages have either acquired natural immunity from the virus or have received the vaccine. Though vaccine recipients may still fall sick from COVID, experts assure us that the vaccine alleviates the virus’s worst symptoms. It therefore seems even more unlikely that the spike in the number of deaths is due to COVID.           

There’s another possibility that likely closer to the mark. For the last two years, Americans have delayed physicals and other medical appointments because of the lockdowns and fear of the virus. Cancer, heart problems, and other serious ailments have undoubtedly gone undetected and untreated during this time.

In addition, the rates of alcoholism, drug usage, depression, isolation, and unemployment have all jumped during the pandemic, leading to an overall decline in health. Add in weight gain and lack of physical exercise, combine these conditions with deferred visits to the doctor, and we may have a major reason for the alarming death toll.           

Some speculate that the higher death rates are directly related to the vaccines and boosters used to treat the virus. That, too, remains a possibility. After all, these were experimental vaccines, not subject to the ordinary tests and passage of time as other vaccines. Because we have so politicized the vaccines and because the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) figures are notoriously inaccurate, we lack the data to know for certain the damage done by the vaccines.

In his online article, inventor and engineer Steve Kirsch offers a possible point-by-point relationship between these deaths and the vaccines. Dr. Robert Malone, who helped develop the vaccine, has been censored on YouTube and Twitter for his views on its failures and its dangers, which he began investigating after his own near-death experience from the vaccine.

A final possibility: the rise in the number of deaths may result from a combination of poor health, undiagnosed illnesses, and the vaccines.           

Two things about this virus have dumfounded and frustrated me, and I suspect, many other readers, from the beginning. First are the muddled statistics surrounding COVID. Have over 800,000 Americans died from COVID or with COVID? Did the virus kill the 50-year-old smoker who was overweight and suffered from high blood pressure or did she die from heart failure? Given the mess we’ve made of the numbers, we’ll never really know.           

Another example: Compare the number of deaths attributed to COVID in the United States with those in India. The population of India is quadruple that of America, but the number of deaths from COVID in the United States is nearly double that of the subcontinent. How do we explain this gap? Was our treatment of those infected by the virus inferior? Was the Indian government undercounting its cases … or were the figures here in our country inflated?        

Again, we’ll likely never know.           

Then there’s the mainstream media’s take on the pandemic. This announcement by the insurance industry should shake all of us, yet except for a flurry of articles that appeared on mostly conservative sites, the story has largely disappeared. Regarding the OneAmerica report, The American Thinker’s Andrea Widburg writes, “The one thing that’s clear is that the bean-counters whose businesses depend on getting the numbers right are telling us that Americans’ health under Dr. Fauci in Year One and the Biden administration and (Fauci) in Year Two has been disastrous.”

So it would seem. But if no one is paying attention or willing to investigate such data, or worse, if the experts like Dr. Malone are censored for bringing up inconvenient truths, then the mystery remains and nothing will change.

Jeff Minick lives in Front Royal, Virginia, and may be found online at He is the author of two novels, Amanda Bell and Dust on Their Wings, and two works of non-fiction, Learning as I Go and Movies Make the Man.


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