The digital dollar and New World Order

By: - August 18, 2022

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What if the New World Order is much closer to us than we suspect? What if these 87,000 federal agents serve a purpose very different to traditional IRS objectives?

How close are we actually are to the digital dollar? Biden signed it into “law,” and nobody even noticed. What if this digital dollar is ready to use soon, and after a short transition period cash will be outlawed?

Gold ownership was outlawed once in the U.S. What if this time, for the NWO, not only gold is outlawed, but everything that can be used as a payment? Cash, precious metals, valuables of all kind? What if these armed agents are to relieve the population of all these “obstacles on our way to universal mandatory happiness”? What if they will move from home to home and collect all “illegal” wealth from people? This would be nothing new, all Marxist revolutions have done it.

TRENDING: Stop political prosecutions

If you have a better explanation for this new army, I’m all ears.


Our hellbent ‘leaders’

Is it just me, or does anyone else think it appears this administration and this Congress are hellbent on crashing the economy, hellbent on bursting every business, bank and mortgage bubble, hellbent on prosecuting political rivals and their supporters, hellbent with hiring 87,000 armed IRS agents to punish dissenters, hellbent on erasing our border and flooding our cities with unknown and undocumented, hellbent on instigating wars and war threats, and while they’re at it hellbent on destabilizing the rest of the world, too?

If their hellbent dreams succeed with the world in ashes, they can then properly “save us” by ushering in Utopia and the Great Reset: a New World Currency, New World Economy and New World Order where the elites have all they want and the masses have equity and an equal share in subsistence – and where you will own nothing and be happy, or else.

Tom Kyser

The End? We’re here

I really appreciate this Joe Kovacs series. Just as Joe said, based on Isaiah 46:10, God told us of the End, and we are there. I wish Joe could be interviewed to lead the unsaved to Jesus. What is about to come is crushing to the unsaved that will remain. Thank you for keeping Joe’s work front and center.

John Galavan

Tyranny in the air: We have 2 choices

The IRS has been illegally (by constitutional law) dealing with citizens for decades. The stories are endless, as we all know. They are weaponized for the left against the right.

Lois Lerner taught us that, and she is still free and her programs to harass still going on. The IRS has been stockpiling guns, ammo and combat gear – a known fact. The Democrats just financed hiring 87,000 new agents with job listings mentioning “deadly force.” Now we have pictures of training new agents for armed arrests.

This is not rocket science. IF it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks and flies like a duck, it isn’t a kitten, no matter how much the White House, the press and Dems say it is. Better be ready, national tyranny is in the air. What are you going to do, pretend or act?

THE LAW: “… that if government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish … and replace. …” [Declaration of Independence prime statement of U.S. foundational Law]

David Cook

Note: Send Email to the Editor to [email protected]

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