
Elizabeth Warren Laughs At Trump’s Claim That He Respects Women, Attacks President on Equality, Economy and Regulations

The oft contentious Democratic Senator, and possible 2020 presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren fired back at President Trump yesterday after he tweeted out praise for women on International Women’s Day.
President Trump’s tweet read, “I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.”


After laughing, Warren stated to a panel on MSNBC, “talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is. Give us some of the rules and regulations that will be helpful to this economy, helpful to women, helpful to our families, helpful to our communities.”

Apparently Ms. Warren, a wealthy and successful Senator, has missed the fact that the economy is booming, jobs are coming back to the United States and communities are seeing newfound success.  Certainly anyone can find statistics to help paint a picture that legitimizes their views, but attacking the sitting president over a thankful tweet on a holiday seems like an illogical and fruitless move.

By OpsLens Staff