Too Big to Prosecute

By: - June 26, 2018

A while back, I used an analogy to the FBI’s failure to properly investigate and the DOJ’s failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton for suspected crimes because the alleged lawbreaking was so immense. The analogy came from the Sylvester Stallone movie Cliffhanger. In it, playing the evil villain, John Lithgow, after shooting his girlfriend, says, “Kill a few people, they call you a murderer. Kill a million and you’re a conqueror.”

I think this perverted philosophy applies to how former-Secretary Clinton continues to evade consequences for a plethora of alleged illegal behavior. Commit a few crimes, they call you a criminal. Commit a million and you’re untouchable.

Validating my contentions, an article appearing at, written by Alan Moore, addresses this phenomenon. Taking only one of the alleged crimes, we all now know about the FBI hierarchy’s apparently corrupt, and certainly lax, investigation into Clinton’s misuse of a personal email server. But even in this one potential wrongdoing alone, investigators struck an evidence gusher. Yet, instead of doing their duty to follow the information trail to wherever it led, investigators capped the evidence well.

You remember how the FBI neglected to inspect Clinton’s email devices, including Blackberries and cell phones (which, incidentally, were electronically erased and physically destroyed while possibly under congressional subpoena or at least under statutes prohibiting the destruction of records)?

According to Moore’s article, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz asked FBI agents why they failed to cover their fundamental investigative bases. The agents answered, “[T]he culture of mishandling classified information at the State Department which made the number of potential sources of evidence particularly vast.” Particularly vast = too big.

June 19, 2018: “GOP lawmakers grill watchdog about Clinton email report Inspector General Michael Horowitz pressed on August 2016 ‘stop’ Trump text between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page and whether there was a larger conspiracy.” (Credit: Facebook/Vishal Bhanwariya)

So, are we to believe there was so much evidence that the FBI figured it would be impossible to investigate it all, so they investigated none of it? I suppose we are, because that seems to be precisely what happened.

According to, Horowitz acknowledged but dismissed the agent’s too-big-to-investigate excuse, saying “[T]he team was not required to take an all-or-nothing approach.” He added that since about 68 percent of Clinton’s email exchanges took place with three top aides, the investigators could have at least focused on these.

WashingtonExaminer‘s Tom Rogan put it like this: “From my perspective, by failing to investigate material held on the personal devices belonging to Clinton’s senior leadership team and senior aides, the FBI failed in their duty to fully pursue realistic and feasible avenues of profitable investigation. Yes, it would have been utterly unfeasible to go through the devices of even senior-mid-ranking State Department officials. The bureau is rightly regarded as the world’s finest law enforcement service, but it beggars belief that the case agents didn’t even do a cursory search of those devices belonging to Clinton’s inner circle.

“The FBI has investigative tools to allow for a speedy download and keyword/form specific investigation of emails from a server. That basic step would perhaps have added a few days work to the investigation, but it may also have produced physical evidence to indicate prima facie criminal mishandling of classified material.

“I suspect that many police officers around the world would be shocked by this failure. As will the intelligence services of China, Russia, France, and Israel who, based on their traditional espionage tradecraft and targeting, likely focused on Clinton’s inner circle as a possible gold mine.”

I am an equal justice guy. I can’t stand that certain people seem to be exempt from consequences the rest of us would face for only a fraction of what they’ve been accused of doing. Some call it a two-tiered justice system; I refer to it as a three-tiered system.

Aside from the untouchables in Washington D.C.—Clinton, Obama, and their closest aides—America also has certain local jurisdictions refusing to prosecute “homeless” people and illegal aliens who commit crimes. This corruption is folding the U.S. criminal justice system inside itself so it’s no longer recognizable as the pride of justice systems around the world.

Whether two, three, or more tiers, this unequal justice trend in America is scary as hell. Has America arrived at a point where not only are some corporations “too big to fail” but also where some people are too big, too homeless, or too illegally-in-the-country to prosecute?


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