Bricks in the Wall: President Trump’s Umph Comes from Jabs and Barbs, Solidifying Nationalism

By: - June 27, 2018

The latest brouhaha emanating from immigration woes culminating in President Trump’s executive order reversing separating families at our nation’s southern border curried crumbs from those who were infuriated enough to bark like junkyard dogs looking for a limb. No matter how President Trump sought to enforce existing statutes, it was ultimately not good enough for some. I watched enough disdain for a sole leader residing in the White House to remind me of the tension cops confront on the daily. And, like cops, the president seems to take it in stride and keeps on strategizing for what is best for the country. Similarly, President Trump has an uncanny way of building lots with little back-up while maintaining policy stipulations and adherence to regulations.

Despite the ebb and flow of his persona, the president’s self-efficacy is evident to eyes that are open to truth, reality, and amicable destiny. Just take a gander at all the daily guff thrown his way; it is often followed by President Trump’s tenacity to get results for the American populace, raise the chalice, take credit (deservedly), then move on towards the next agenda item(s). He is a man enjoying nation-building—or re-building after a bevy of unproductive years—poking pus pockets along the way. A few of the things he slayed are mainstream media’s fake news, FBI shenanigans, DoJ ghosts, White House leakers and, of course…the Clinton camp.

President Trump is stalwart in his stances promised during his presidential campaign, for the most part; he tweaked a tad along the way, but not necessarily in total default regarding his nation-fortifying mantras. After all, he is as imperfect as every single one among our species, despite his seeming conceit at times. Who doesn’t puff up at doing a great job?

Frankly, I find myself amazed at how any individual can withstand so much guff while trying to do the absolute right thing as predicated by the very same laws authored by members of the US Congress, while those same lawmakers twist and recoil when the rules somehow suddenly fail to conform to their whim of the day. Are we stuck on emotion in the House? Are some of those representative seats filled with platitude-spewing clones churning out fakery and façade?

Although I am not the first one ever to say it, it bears repeating: How hypocritical can public servants become before their fogged-up mirror talks back and smacks with abject truth? Or is voluntary blindness that deep of a disorder? The unprecedented in-progress combustion of a (thee) world superpower rabidly gnawing at its own flesh and fabric steals the twinkle from the stars and zig-zags the glorious stripes representing the “union” for which too many are demarcated by a tombstone.

That last factor speaks loudly on the issue of nation-state warriors like Trump who, while we wrestle with illegal immigrant entry woes, maintains a vigilance over the living who are like ghost ships washed ashore. I’m talking military, folks. Wandering veterans. Vets waiting for basic necessities while embattled by their own mental and physical infirmities born of war. Many of them. Men and women. These lost ships have markings of belongingness, and those vessels deserving of safe harbor are citizens who have served this nation, donning dog tags authenticating their vested interest in America. Not everyone can say that. Border-breachers certainly can’t.

While we recognize June as PTSD Awareness Month, many veterans float among us, empty shells wondering why they are not embraced by their own government who waved them on when we needed them to march forward and fight. I wonder what any of these vets think about politicians coddling illegal migrants while they are side-stepped. Isn’t that like patronizing another’s children while abandoning your own?

Speaking of standing up and fighting, the recent saga surrounding White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being asked to depart the premises of a shoe box called the Red Hen underscores the arrogance and deep-seated hatred for all-things-Trump. That is not a wish of evil upon them but karma the management/proprietorship brought about of their own accord. Despite any embarrassment sustained by Sarah Sanders and family accompaniments, the bigger person knew to vacate. Much akin to the recent occurrence involving two Starbucks patrons, the Red Hen is surely watching its self-induced wound. Nature has a fantastic way of correcting asinine measures stemming from the unwitting outcomes of, well…exercising America’s freedoms. Kind of like anyone’s boycott list.

Love it or leave it, President Trump has a unique way of getting things done, despite a seeming egotistical bent when rolling the dice or after dividends are realized. Rightfully, my pleasure is seeing America’s growing pains alleviated. Does President Trump have an often dubious methodology? Of course. Diplomacy? Often questionable. Who among us does not in some fashion step out of the mainstream box with good intentions to twerk in our own way, to get things solidified. Did you have any scintilla of the North Korea/United States summit resulting in the way it did?

(Credit: Pixabay/ TheDigitalArtist)

What kind of persona keeps taking the hits and somehow finds the composure to smile and forge right on through it all? There are more than 52 cards up the president’s sleeve, and they are all Made in America. Dealer’s choice. Some bluff. Some have poor poker faces. A certain party sent some ill-equipped players to the table. It continues to make for quite a spectacle, with both good and bad hands. Nevertheless, Trump is conducting business like a seasoned businessman and getting results for the nation’s betterment, whether we embrace his methods or not.

Public Safety Perspectives

The lore in police culture goes like this: If you get complained on you must be doing something right! Sometimes applicable, most times not—body-cams are bearing this out. Naturally, no one wishes for complaints but they do evolve in police work. The testamentary dirty job not many want to do has its baggage., barbs and jabs. Cops know they are not being sworn-in to serve tea and cookies and that the field may get messy at times. Mopping one mess and speeding to the next is just a basic trait among cops. Perhaps President Trump can relate.

As a retired policeman, it is reassuring and refreshing to have a White House figurehead who openly embraces public safety professionals. I’ve never seen so many impromptu video moments capturing footage of President Trump’s motorcade stopping so that he can get out and shake hands with men and women in uniform. Even after flying for a few hours, the president bee-lined directly to an awaiting local police motorcade (escort) sitting on the baked tarmac.

My since-retired police Chief Tony Velong encapsulated the gist of what I intended to write herein, as follow: “I offer no apology for what I am posting, for this is truly how I feel. This is my opinion, not a debate. I am a 72-year-old man who served his country in the military and as a police officer for over 40 years. If you disagree, or find my position offensive, I’m perfectly fine with that & No, I’m not offended; feel free to unfriend me forthwith.

“I have lived through several United States presidents prior to our current President Trump. In my lifetime, I have [neither] seen nor heard of a President scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied-to & beyond common logic, threatened with death, threatened [with] rape our [his spouse], our Beautiful First Lady, our First Lady Disrespected, & have his children also insulted & humiliated.

“I am truly ashamed of [certain] people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel, Trump haters who display themselves as to having no pride, morals, ethics nor values in Our Country’s traditions. Our elders taught us 30-, 40+ yrs ago to respect our President, whether we voted for them or not, & all these news stations & reporters who feel they have the right to carry on with blatant lies & say the things they do for a good story. Every other President before he was elected, that took the oath of office, was left alone, wasn’t on the news 24/7, scrutinized by their every word. ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED to do this or that & never given the time to take care of the important work this country really needs. I know he is not perfect, very different than what we’ve become accustomed to but ENOUGH is ENOUGH, LEAVE THE MAN ALONE & LET HIM DO HIS JOB!!

“None of the other Presidents in their times were spotless or perfect either. I want our President Donald Trump to succeed & try to make our America great again!” It is no wonder why I relished working under Chief Velong; from the heart and straight to the meat of the matter.

In a poignant yet somber revelation written by Dennis Michael Lynch and posted by The Lion’s Shield is a heartfelt and nuanced account of what is transpiring with regard to our beloved nation’s ongoing challenges, alleged distortions at the southern border, and custodial principles long-held by law enforcement protocols. Excerpted, it reads: “The challenges in reuniting unreported illegal crossings of children with parents that are unaccounted for and frequently missing, with governments of countries that barely track their own citizens, is something close to impossible…

“According to the media only one person is to blame. That’s what they’re selling. If you disagree or have another perspective, you’re a Nazi, child-killer, racist or worse…a Trump supporter.

“The fact is, this complicated tragedy is unraveling and no pin-pointed evil can be punished for it. Many of these children came from a hell that few of us will ever experience. With our own flawed system allowing many criminals to manipulate the use of children in their illegal activities, we will always be on the back foot with determining how to place, House and care for them with the huge numbers that are coming here.

“We fix this without blame. We fix this without making it a political argument.

“We put the children first, truly first…and we don’t use them as shamelessly for our purposes, like the media is doing every day.

“They’ve been used enough.”

Want reality dished-up straight, with a finger directly applying rightly-placed pressure to the hemorrhage bleeding before international eyes? Open an ear to any immigration agent, firefighter, military or first-aid practitioner who happens to be assigned to a national security crisis. Their unmasked and evocative voices, enunciated in their own emotional tones, are laden with reality and humanity brought to the table…mounded with unappetizing directives created by foreign-born law-denying actors. Before you read on, sometimes it is beyond soothing to hear from personnel entrenched well beyond a Republican or Democrat seat in the House of lawmakers—those who direly lack field experience.

As a paramedic assigned—standing on the altruistic side of the Texas border hyperbole proffered by never-Trumpers—the following vitals and pulse were recorded: “[What] these professionals did at the centers was phenomenal work. They fed these kids. They immunized these kids. They LOVE these kids. They have counselors on hand to help with these children. Some of these kids are put into the foster care system which, while not the greatest it could be, is almost certainly better than where they came from and the abuse they have suffered at the hand of cutthroats and drug cartels.

“The people that are actually working this crisis are good people. In fact, they are better than most people. They put their lives on hold to help children that they don’t even know while spending months at a time without seeing their own families. These people probably save more lives than anyone else in the US right now.

“But what these professionals did at the centers was phenomenal work. They fed these kids. They immunized these kids. They LOVE these kids. They have counselors on hand to help with these children. Some of these kids are put into the foster care system which, while not the greatest it could be, is almost certainly better than where they came from and the abuse they have suffered at the hand of cutthroats and drug cartels.

“The people that are actually working this crisis are good people. In fact, they are better than most people. They put their lives on hold to help children that they don’t even know while spending months at a time without seeing their own families. These people probably save more lives than anyone else in the US right now.” When it comes to a child, any child, that factor is emphasized. Wanna see a cop covertly or overtly weep? Add a child to the mix of an inexplicable situation. The spine stays erect but the salt flows whether you are looking or not. The mission is accomplished according to prescribed statutes. Why is that so difficult for some to digest?

(Credit: Facebook/Jose Perez)

Our frontline paramedic continues: “So I encourage you all to look at all sides of this situation. There are no winners but please don’t take up an opinion that comes from a media source that only has one agenda in mind: To discredit the current president.

“Personally I could care less what you think of President Trump but where I draw the line is when we start taking down innocent people and painting them as villains in an effort to destroy someone else. These GOOD PEOPLE working on this crisis have done so for the past 15 years without one word from anyone else until just recently.
Ask yourself why?

God Bless you all.”

I’ve nothing more to add….except that I am amazed at the mortar President Trump trowels between the bricks he is laying for the foundation of America. Whether a proponent of the proposed border wall or not, there is no denying it is already built, in ways many can’t seemingly fathom or accept. As a retired career-cop, not much jolts me, but the festering border crisis and blame couched upon the shoulders of one individual compels a unique fusion of mad/sad. Mad at the hypocrisy of those who slept through eight years; sad by cavernous bears who wake up to snack on America’s rightly-placed enforcement of laws formerly upheld by those dang moody bears.

A trowel. The president cementing bricks. A blueprint solidifying America’s future. Cleansing of the US landscape. What more can a law-abiding taxpayer ask for?


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