DeliverFund is a Frontline Leader Targeting Human Traffickers in America

By: - August 12, 2018
OpsLens Deck of 52 Most Wanted Post 9/11 Frontline Leaders

In 2018, as a spin-off and salute to the original 2003 deck of 52 Most Wanted playing cards, let’s honor post 9/11 frontline leaders here at home. Once a week, for 52 weeks this year, OpsLens will post a card highlighting one of the 52 Most Wanted Post 9/11 Frontline Leaders. You’ll learn the top facts about their business or organization, as well as why they made the list, which comes down to impact, scalability, health, and unique value proposition.

I encourage you to look for these weekly updates, share the card with your network, and support or buy the products and services they offer. See the 52 Most Wanted Post 9/11 Frontline Leaders launch story here.

2 of Hearts| DeliverFund

If you only have one minute to watch a video online this week, let this be the video. DeliverFund is a frontline leader that should be on your list of most-wanted charities to support in 2018.

From the DeliverFund website:

On average, every 2.5 hours an American child is trafficked, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). How did this happen? As the Internet grew, so did the technologies that provided human traffickers with a low-risk way to sell people. In fact, NCMEC saw an 846% increase in reports of suspected child sex trafficking to their CyberTipline in only 5 years. The same technologies that provide anonymity for traffickers to recruit children and evade law enforcement also opened a back door into your home. It is easier than ever for kids with an Internet connection to be solicited online, right from their own living room.

Human trafficking is a problem. DeliverFund is the solution.

DeliverFund thinks differently and is challenging the status quo in the fight against human trafficking by targeting the root cause: the trafficker. DeliverFund believes the ultimate prevention program is the elimination of human traffickers—because without them, there would be no victims of human trafficking.

DeliverFund is a private intelligence firm that disrupts human trafficking markets by providing intelligence and delivering specialized analytics about human trafficking activities to law enforcement authorities. DeliverFund is the first nonprofit organization to apply counterterrorism methodologies to the fight against modern slavery, and the DeliverFund model is the most scalable, cost-effective solution available. It is being used increasingly both nationally and internationally.

From top-level special operations individuals to data-driven analysts with exceptional intelligence experience, and from advisory and support staff to field-collection specialists—it is the combined efforts of everyone on this team that ensures our success. With decades of experience in understanding and dismantling illicit markets around the world, DeliverFund’s elite personnel have redirected their training and expertise in counterterrorism to the prolific problem of human trafficking, focusing all of our current efforts here in the United States.

We partner with law enforcement to provide the additional data and intelligence they need to do their jobs—to save lives and rescue those unable to find a way out of the trafficking industry on their own. We are law enforcement’s biggest supporters, and we advocate on their behalf by outlining strategic intelligence opportunities that increase their arrest rates and allow them to rescue victims of modern slavery. DeliverFund also provides leadership for the International Human Trafficking Analysis Center (iHTAC), which is a consortium of professional companies partnering to create solutions to the modern slave trade, while also serving as the central collection and dissemination platform for human trafficking intelligence.

Frontline Leader (Founder): Nic McKinley.

Name of Company/Organization: DeliverFund, founded 2014.

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Post 9/11 Service Connection: U.S. Air Force, Special Operations Pararescue (PJ) and Central Intelligence Agency.  

Tours of Duty: Yes. Several.

One sentence tagline &/or mission statement: It Ends Here. We Counter Human Trafficking.





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