
Republicans Might Buck President Trump, Vote to Stop Mexico Tariffs

Mexico will soon be facing five-percent tariffs, which are scheduled to rise even higher in the days ahead. But rumor in the capitol is that Congressional Republicans have begun discussing whether they can block the tariffs through a vote. If so, Congressional Republicans would be strongly rebuking President Trump’s executive authority.

So far, while individual Republicans have occasionally lashed out at the president, the party as a whole has remained staunchly behind him. However, Trump’s tariffs could threaten the global economy, according to some analysts, and risk plunging the world into a recession.

Further, many American businesses would stand to lose billions of dollars if tariffs were to go into effect. With many businesses supporting the Republican Party, the GOP may fear a backlash from the business sector as well.

Indeed, multiple companies have warned that the tariffs will raise the price of both goods and production in the United States. Automobile manufacturers, in particular, could see costs rise immensely. With car sales already slowing down, that would spell trouble for the entire industry.

Even if Congress does move to block President Trump, he may be able to install the tariffs anyways. President Trump could declare another national emergency and invoke the trade powers under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. Trump would have to justify the move by proving that Mexico presents an “unusual or extraordinary threat.”

Some within the White House believe that the already-declared border emergency would enable the president to enact the trade tariffs. Either way, it’d likely ultimately be up to courts to decide the matter.