Trump Wins Debate, as Dems Chomp on Their Own

By: - July 31, 2019

In their disarray Dems showed America last night why they can’t win and why Donald Trump will be reelected. In fact, several center-left Dems —surprisingly, Delaney moving out in front of the pack was the most aggressive— went after Warren and Sanders with a pickaxe thus doing GOP heavy lifting in advance.

So much was the intra-party debate cannibalism that both Liz and Bernie were reduced to incoherently spluttering that any criticisms of them by competitors or the press panel were “Republican talking points.”

Actually you two, my point exactly. And those “talking points” happened on an all-Dem stage. When one of these pygmies is up against the president the carnage should be tres comical.

To cut to the chase so we can get to the weird stuff, the take away from the night is that the Dems showed excellent message discipline by dodging any question they didn’t like, Liz and Bernie held to their non-aggression pact much like their ideological comrades did in Moscow in 1939, and none of the lesser candidates (maybe, just maybe, except Delaney) got the breakout they needed. Expect 2-3 from tonight to be gone within a month or two. Who? I’m betting Ryan, Bulloch, and Klobuchar.

Liz Warren won the night, again. She is on a fast track to be the main alternative to Biden. Her disturbed and dishonest Bolshie passion rang a gong for the audience.

Now, on to the fun. Aforementioned oddities:

  • Buttigieg loves to bring up the Bible. Though only certain parts of it…ahem…cough.
  • Williamson almost held it together. But made betting pools across America happy by going back to lunacy in her closing statement. We are duly thankful.
  • Klobuchar was the night’s Queen of Maudlin, though not without competition, as lots of her time was devoted to treacly stories designed to show us what a caring person she is. Only made her look cloying and creepy. The slightly miffed kindergarten teacher mode is not working.
  • Ryan has this look while listening to a response, like he’s a dumbfounded deer. You can almost hear his maiden aunt bark, “Close your mouth, Timothy!”
  • Ryan also was the only one not to hold his hand to his heart for the national anthem. Even Bernie did that. Another dumb move, Bambi.
  • Bullock started out well then crashed and burned in a fiery heap. See ya, guv, and get a better haircut.
  • Beto and Buttigieg competed for how many years we have left before evil climate change dooms us. Pete says 12, Beto 10. Same was said by their guru and policy pal Paul Ehrlich, 45 years ago.
  • Speaking of Lurch, Beto was consistently grim and has the charisma of a mortician on Thorazine. His once bouncing puppy dog campaign has turned into a death march to certain oblivion. Which means, there is a God.
  • Warren believes there are “cages for babies” at our border shelters. Uh-huh, Liz, and are those “cages” in the room with you right now?
  • Buttigieg claimed a black person can be discriminated against “by a name on a resume.” Like what name, Pete? Blackie McBlackperson?
  • Klobuchar said Americans “were hurt by the last decade.” Let’s see, Trump has only been in office two and a half years. I wonder who was in office before that. Hmmm…
  • All the lines, especially those of Williamson, for reparations got rapturous applause. In Detroit? Fancy that.
  • As such, the press panel threw out a stat that said 73 percent of black Americans were for reparations. No sh**, guys. I mean, if there were big moolah reparations for past injustices committed against pretentious Anglophile online columnists I’d be all for it.
  • Hickenlooper seems like a gangly, sane, if somewhat misguided, guy. Which makes him toast in this race. Go back to selling brewskis, John.
  • Nice of Klobuchar and Warren to dress exactly alike in a warm and likeable Third Reich color scheme.
  • Warren by far had the most applause lines, making her the most popular inmate in the asylum.
  • If you listened closely, Buttigieg came off as a hard-left radical despite his innocuous demeanor, calling for drastic constitutional change and “compelling states” to do the bidding of leftists.
  • Most of them used the “racist” line, helping Trump to render it moot by overuse. As that lame dog is really all they have, it seems all they can do is parrot it on a continuous loop.
  • Warren complained of our “badly broken economy.” Yup, all those new jobs and low unemployment rates are just terrible for the country.
  • And finally, almost everyone there bellowed against “corporate America” as if U.S. corporations were faceless alien cyborgs staffed by rabid hyenas. The fact that millions of Americans work for corporations has somehow managed to escape their grasp… Tune in here tomorrow for coverage of the Biden-Harris grudge match and the spectacle of human chihuahuas nipping at their heels.

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