America Insults Obama

By: - May 10, 2019

Perhaps my only regret about writing here is that I didn’t get to do it during the administration of the disgraced 44th POTUS. This is a man so bereft of honor that he regularly casts his time in office as scandal-free. From his heads up the Russians, to Fast and Furious, to his ironic failure to guard this nation from Russian meddling in 2016, Barack Obama, very much by intention, hurt this country. But to his regret, it was not to the point that we couldn’t recover under Donald Trump.

And that really cheeses him off.

So his recent petulant whining to a New York Times reporter for an upcoming fawning book stands as a feast of schadenfreude, a veritable cornucopia of charges and tearful thumb-sucking that is impossible to read without laughing out loud in guffaws of mockery.

In his rant the wee lad calls Hillary’s campaign “soulless,” giving him that one, and (we’re just warming up the fun here) says he saw her loss “as a personal insult.” Okay, give him that one too. Because he’s right. It was a complete and total up yours from the United States of America to the wispy Baath Party functionary and traitor who still took his cues from the spirit of the place where he started his political career. That was, you may remember, the living room of Marxist terrorist Bill Ayers.

Oh, hold on. I’m being too harsh.

To be a traitor you once had to have a loyalty to the object of your betrayal. Since Barack Obama and his Madame Defarge-like (no matter how she’s playing all cutesy-cute non-threatening now) wife never had any sort of loyalty to America to begin with, it is technically incorrect to call him a traitor.

Silly me.

Like a spurned catamite he laments that he thought there was no way Americans would turn on him. Well, since he had turned on us at least by his college years, all we were doing is returning the favor.

Also let’s remember Obama won in 2008 because, in their seniority-ridden buffoonery, the GOP nominated a slipping codger who had the misfortunate of having the economy go into the tank when his party owned the White House. He thus paved the way for a man to become commander-in-chief who before election couldn’t have gotten the appropriate security clearance to guard a public toilet in a rural Alaskan post office.

In 2012 the GOP, true to usual form, nominated a sanctimonious prig who had a shot at Obama and choked on the opportunity. Finally, after trying since 1988 and getting it wrong most of the time, we found a winner in 2016. Though the Dems, still in shock that the hapless Republicans actually pulled it off, went into their current state of anguished depression and hysterical denial. In a proper country they’d be detained. Not on political grounds. It would be a 72-hour psychiatric hold to make sure they don’t stab themselves to death with the crayons they use to shakily scribble “orange maaaaaan!!!” on walls.

So yes, America did insult Obama and very possibly will again in 2020 when they may reject his veep. Just deserts for the contemptible little Bolshie lionized by the mediocre, worshipped by the gullible, and now reduced to a suitable place as a national object of derisive laughter.

As insults go, that work for you Barry?


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