
Americans Are Sick of the Negative Coverage of the President

“Rather than give the American people something to smile about, the media tried to bash the Commander-in-Chief.”

Having been a public servant for my entire adult life, I find it tiring to listen to the constant negative media coverage about our President and his family.

When President Obama was in office, I do not remember this type of negativity from the media. I don’t remember Hollywood crying. But what speaks more about anything the media does cover, is what it does not. Sometimes omission is as bad as overdoing something.

Did you hear about the Memorial Day meeting between 6-year-old Christian Jacobs, his mother Brittany, President Trump and Vice President Pence? Of course you didn’t. It would not play well into the negativity that we get bombarded with daily. It would show the President and Vice President in a positive light, and that can not be allowed according to the mainstream media.

On Memorial Day, Christian was at Arlington National Cemetery to honor his father, Marine Corp Sgt. Christopher Jacobs, who was killed during a military training exercise. The President and Vice President were there to take part in the Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Following the ceremony, President Trump and Vice President Pence decided to spend some time with Goldstar families who were visiting their loved ones on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Among the families were Christian and his mother, Brittany. Six year old Christian was dressed in a crisp Marine Corps dress uniform, wearing the hat of his father. President Trump and VP Pence both saw Christian and decided to try and make the emotionally difficult day of visiting his hero father a little easier. I mean for a six-year-old boy whose father died in the military, what could be better than telling the President and Vice President about your dad? Christian held up a photo of his father and told President Trump about him, and President Trump engaged the young man in conversation.

The scene was captured by a military photographer, and the photos speak volumes about the character and compassion of a person who is one of the busiest in the world. He took time out of his day to speak with a six-year-old boy at the gravesite of his hero father, who served this great country and the United States Marine Corps. And yet Americans who are thirsting for good news, and something to make their president seem more presidential, know nothing of this quiet conversation. Why is that?

Because the mainstream media knows that if they were to cover something like this story, it would put a dent in their negative coverage of the president and his administration. Sharing the story of a six-year-old boy dressed in Marine blues just isn’t negative no matter how you try to shape it. It doesn’t fit the negativity and divisiveness that the vast majority of the media is trying to paint.

You know it’s bad when a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School writes a research paper about the first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency. In this report, the professor found that the coverage of President Trump’s first 100 days was 80% negative and only 26% positive. For President Obama’s first 100 days in office, the coverage was 41% negative and 59% positive.

Rather than give the American people something to smile about, the media tried to bash the commander-in-chief.

Whatever happened to the news media reporting news instead of opinions? Whatever happened to backing up your claims with sources and facts?

Shame on you all.