You could pass someone on the way to work every day, see their face in the crowd every morning, and have no recollection of memorable features or what they’re like. …
Richard Douglas
Richard Douglas
Richard Douglas writes on firearms, defense and security issues. He is the founder and editor of Scopes Field, and a columnist at The National Interest, 1945, Daily Caller and other publications.
Not in the far-off past, many people in the United States were gun-toting self-reliant libertarians, Amen. By self-reliant, I mean that they grew their own food, built their own wagons, …
America is still a relatively young country and has a lot of growing pains, one of the worst being the political system. As time has worn on, our party relations …
Ten years ago unrest in the Arab world, which began due to what is known as the Arab Spring, had reached the country of Syria. What began as unrest quickly …
Military force has expanded from ground-based combat over the course of history and naval power is one to be feared in warfare. From the US to Japan, the top 5 …