This war against globalism and draining swamps across the globe will be the longest of marathons – so everyone must pace themselves.
First there was Brexit. Then there was Trump. Next up, we saw Geert Wilders lose by a hair in the Netherlands before Marine Le Pen got her political head shaved bald out in France. If you’ve listened to any of the most optimistic anti-globalist minds over the past two years, you probably thought that there was an iron curtain of populism closing in around globalist powers and their mindless social justice warrior army. It sure was an intoxicating narrative for people tired of seeing Obama-Era world politics serve as an enabler for radical Islam, anarchy, and communism – but it’s clear that the game has only just begun.
In the same way that globalists and Democrats thought that they were on the cusp of a permanent upper hand prior to the Brexit referendum and US presidential election, it appears that the champions of the populist movement “sweeping the world” also began to count their chickens before they hatched. I don’t know how many times I heard pundits claiming things like, “The EU is over, they just don’t know it yet”, or that the French and Dutch people would surely vote for their own version of Donald Trump in Le Pen and Wilders. While populist movements have dealt devastating blows to the elites in the past two years, the two most recent major global elections go a long way to show that momentum has shifted back to the European Union and world banks. The EU looks quite unified at the moment and the blonde president fad never really caught on after all. It’s obvious that the pipe dream of an expedient victory is over now. You can’t stop a moving train on a dime, and while Trump and Brexit slowed the momentum, the locomotive is once again gaining steam. This war against globalism and draining swamps across the globe will be the longest of marathons – so everyone must pace themselves.
As the fight wages on, rampant identity politics and political correctness do appear to be losing ground to free speech in many regards. Exponential growth in the ideologies of conservatism, classical liberalism, libertarianism, and Alt-Rightism on the internet are evidence of this. People simply aren’t sitting down and shutting up anymore after being called an -ist or a -phobe for thinking outside of the box. Simultaneously, traditional journalism is inflicting irreparable damage to itself all the time as it perpetually doubles down on the big government propagandization of the news. Try as they might to blame it on “cord cutting”, the main stream media has made its own bed by alienating large swaths of the public with lies.
Despite all of that, main stream media narratives do continue to find success in shaming vulnerable and lazy minded populations into voting against their own values, cultures, and safety in the name of inclusiveness, tolerance, and diversity. Some nations will have the rebellious spirit to fight and others will follow like sheep. Just look at France’s “Anyone but Le Pen” voter turnout.
You can sense that globalism has western civilization’s back on the ropes once again but the good news is that our side still has the one two punch of the US and the UK to slug back – at least for now. In the true spirit of 1776, it’s not the politicians with the power – it is the people — the unwashed masses of Brits and Yanks stubbornly standing together in defense of Western culture and values that I’m proud of. There’s a lot to be said for two nations of people having the intestinal fortitude to withstand the constant propaganda used against them by their enemies and stick to the defense of their homeland while others are cuckolded into giving away their country and culture.
The Union Jack and the Star-Spangled Banner flew alongside one another to avert catastrophe in WWII and it’s going to be the two of us going in together again. The Poles know what time it is so we don’t want to leave them out of the mix. The Danes, Magyars, Slavs, Swiss and people from Austria without the catchy name have strong nationalist parties that could alter the battlefield. Meanwhile, you have the Swedes and Fins who have been downright suicidal in the surrender of their national identity. Nationalism is on the rise in Scandinavia, but it very well could be too late. Of course, there’s Germany – the true power behind the EU – a nation of minds beaten into conformity with constant reminders of an ugly past. In the case of Deutschland, it seems fair to assume that politically correct indoctrination works best on a population of people whose grandparents were legit Nazis. If surrendering their country and culture to third world refugees with fanatical ideologies gets them off the hook for being called “literally Hitler” by their masters, then so be it.
That brings us to the French. The stereotype of a soft people easily pushed over is ringing true louder now than at any other time in recent history. I won’t renounce my French heritage or get the “Lefevre” family crest that’s tattooed onto my back lasered off – but goodness am I disappointed in the French. You are the Charlie Browns of the world. You blew it, France.
To the majority of Franks who voted for Macron — you had a choice between two candidates that had completely different views for your future. This was your big moment. Vote for the banker or vote for the revolutionary. Be a state of the European Union or shout “Viva La France!” from the roof tops. Be in control of your own destiny or hand the wheel over to unelected officials in Brussels who will continue to write your laws, control your economy, and tear down your borders. Go with the candidate who aims to “Keep France French” or the one who denies the existence of French culture altogether. Keep Paris the “City of Love” or let its neighborhoods fragment into Sharia Law dominated no-go zones. Most importantly, France, you had the choice to fight the scourge of terrorism in your country head on or be led by a man who sees Islamic terrorism as “an imponderable threat…that will be a fact of daily life for years to come.” In your contentment to follow others instead of be a leader in the world, you chose the wrong side once again.
Per the Global Terrorism Index rankings, only 7 countries out of 163 saw a sharper increase in terrorism from 2015 to 2016. As the hotbed of terrorism in Western Europe, your nation now ranks 29th in the world and finds itself in the company of Chad, Palestine, Russia, Barundi, and Saudi Arabia on the list. People no longer look at your cities as romantic, enchanting, or historical gems of Europeanism, but rather as increasingly third world danger zones where fires are set to police cars in the middle of the day and stabbings are routine. 2015 gave you the Charlie Hebdo massacre over cartoons and the Paris-wide attacks to include the bombing of the Stade de France soccer stadium and massacre at the Bataclan concert hall — where 133 of your countrymen were killed. Tragically, it was the deadliest attack on French soil since you cowered before the Nazis in WWII. 2016 gave you the massacre of 84 of your own in Nice on Bastille Day and the Normandy Church Attack where one of your priests had his throat slit by two Islamic Extremists in front of his own congregation. 2017 hasn’t been any kinder to you. The Louvre Knife Attack and the ISIS slaughter of one of your officers at Champs Elysees are a glimpse of things to come. How could you elect a man that does not believe in a French culture, borders, or the instinctual human response to fight for survival against invaders? Have you learned absolutely nothing from WWII? There is something so Vichy about Emmanuel Macron’s willingness to just follow Angela Merkel’s brand of leadership in times like these.
So, that’s where we’re at in May 2017. The scoreboard is about even but the momentum has shifted quite a bit. Many Americans are expressing disappointment with their president’s softening on globalism compared to last year when he got elected by railing against it. I still have faith in the man, but it’s not blind allegiance. You can call me a cynic for that. Nevertheless, I’ll close with optimism. I’m optimistic that people like Nigel Farage and Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, are just the beginning. It is my sincere hope that these individuals are merely early models that are setting the foundation for what prototypical future leaders and defenders of the West will look like. Call them bulldozers clearing a path, call them what you like. Just pace yourself. It’s going to be a long and bumpy road.