
Biden to Claim America Longs for Obama Years

You’ve probably already heard Joe Biden’s slogan “Make America America Again.”

Aside from the clumsiness reminiscent of Joe, the phrasing basically seems to tell us that America isn’t America anymore. However, according to DC Dem players, it goes farther than that. The rumored strategy is to claim the administration of the disgraced 44th president is the best this country can aspire to and Joe Biden can return us to this Shangri-La.

Perhaps if it wasn’t for creeping socialism, actual collusion with the Russians caught on tape between the then-POTUS and the Russian leader Medvedev, advocating infanticide, pushing gun confiscation, a plan for the federal government to take over healthcare, the international apology tour, the Fast and Furious scandal, and a host of other affairs and corruptions, maybe we could consider that idea if for a millisecond without laughing out loud.

But Joe thinks it’s true and plans to yell it from the rafters.

And of course the corollary is that, since they were our best years, as we were the true “America” back then, we had to have the best president and veep ever. Don’t you think so?

The man who started his political career in the living room of a terrorist, a man who gave succor to our enemies like the Iranians and injured our allies like Israel, a man who grew up surrounded by communists (yes, not loony stuff, but real true-to-life communists like Frank Marshall Davis), was a better president than Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan. Sure, you believe that, huh?

But Joe thinks it’s true.

This is the respect Biden has for the memory of the American voter. After, by Barry’s own admission, personally insulting the disgraced 44th less than three years ago, we are now ready to crown the recollection of his term a golden age and say a booming economy, an America respected again around the globe, and a non-power mad secretary of state all pale in comparison to Good King Barack?

Probably not.

But Joe thinks it’s true and will be running on it.

So remember, all the winning is just a bad phase we’re going through and Joe intends to replace it with losing again so he can sniff hair in the Oval Office to his creepy heart’s content.

A fine campaign theme indeed.