
Bobby Rush and the Leftist Memory Hole

Yesterday, Fox News did a piece on Rep. Bobby Rush, Dem of Illinois. The race-hustling Rush was quoted on about how police are “the sworn enemy of black people.” He was specifically referring to the anger in the Chicago Police Department (a unit run by a black chief of police) over D.A. Kim Foxx’s kid-glove treatment of Jussie Smollett.

It seems certain black Dems from Illinois have little regard for our traditional institutions like police departments. The police, much as the military, risk their lives for complete strangers on a day-to-day basis. Nevertheless, that is beneath the subtle favor of Rep. Rush and his ilk.

Bobby’s charge? Oh sure. I know several police officers and they have all told me of the double-secret hush-hush on- the-QT oath all police officers take to do harm to black people. They also told me that Emperor Palpatine controls the moon and will soon descend from it to give us all free cotton candy. Uh-huh, yeah. Rush’s charge is totally credible.

But interestingly enough, what Fox decided not to mention, or was too dumb to do the research into, is Rep. Rush’s background. Now, if a Republican had even a small skeleton in their closet the local media villagers would be at them with torches and pitchforks. However, not the same when a Dem Rep. used to belong to a small assemblage nobody ever heard of. Community organizers really. Except their organizing usually took place by pulling a trigger against innocent people, especially cops. You see, Bobby Rush was a Black Panther. The good congressman’s past revelries have fallen into the Orwellian Memory Hole at Fox.

If journalistic diligence had been practiced we would have been informed that in the late 60s Rush called for “offensive violence against the power structure” and when police raided his apartment in 1969 they found explosives, booby traps, and a wide variety of communist literature. He was jailed for it and, granted, left the Panthers afterwards. Looks like he’s back in again, at least in spirit.

To give the man his scant due, he once said, “Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool.” So, Bobby’s got that going for him.

Rush today refuses to renounce the vicious violence of the Panthers, saying “it was part of my maturing.” If Heinrich Himmler ran for office as a Dem, I guess Fox would neglect to mention his past as…it was part of his “maturing.”

That Rush feels he can get away with this absurd insult to the Chicago Police Department, one of my favorite police departments since their outdoor exercise festival at the Dem Convention of 1968, is because throughout that party, including their aspirants for the presidency, is a corroding cancer that threatens to make them as unelectable as George McGovern in 1972.

It is the disease of national masochism and the left has been infected by it, and has infected others with it, for several decades. Bobby Rush is only a symptom. The very fact that this terrorist and current terrorist apologists like him have been elected to Congress at all is the actual malady.