Britain’s Anti-Knife Politicians: Not Too Sharp

By: - April 8, 2019

Well, who didn’t see this foul up coming? For one, the British leaders who have alienated their people from their unalienable, God-given right to self-defense. Liberal politicians, displaying just how finite their wisdom is, have banned the possession of knives in public. Further, the British government is now considering banning home delivery of knives ordered online.

What happens when criminals begin bashing in people’s heads with hammers. I suppose the U.K. will have to eventually create a virtual Napoleonic Code banning all objects a person could possibly use to commit murder.

The U.K. already has a nearly total ban on private ownership of firearms, especially semi-automatic rifles and handguns. Unlike in the United States, the British government views keeping and bearing arms as a privilege, not an unalienable right necessary to effectively accomplish self-defense. Brits can only possess an “approved” manually loaded rifle or shotgun if they qualify for a government license. But people still keep finding ways to kill each other. Imagine that.

It seems Britain’s brilliant anti-self-defense office-bearers came up with an idea even more stupid than our ubiquitous American gun-free zones. As stupid as those are, they don’t put guns in the hands of bad people. I’m not sure the officials in England fully thought through their plan to separate Her Majesty’s subjects from their steak knives.

U.K. politicians have not only banned the carrying of knives in public and their use for anything other than cooking and eating but also they’ve set up these nifty knife amnesty bins. Officials adorned these bins with catchy placards containing slogans such as “Get a Life, Bin That Knife” within a red circle and diagonal line bisecting the knife, and “Save a life, surrender your knife.” My head hurts trying to figure out how a law-abiding person with a knife can save a life by giving that knife to the government, but…

Yes, people take newly illegal knives (and other edged “weapons”) and drop them into bins with mailbox-type slots. Officials have located many of these bins in high-crime areas. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Let’s say you’re a criminal who cares about as much about obeying gun laws as knife laws—or any laws. Now the government has done you a big favor, hasn’t it? It’s placed a veritable knife armory right down the street. How bloody convenient is that? The bins may as well read “Free Knives”!

Though you’ve likely already guessed this, as NRA spokesman Dana Loesch predicted, gangs of thugs went to the knife bank to make withdrawals. These gangsters were observed on CCTV ransacking several bins, stealing all of the weaponswhich they can now use to victimize the people who tossed the knives into the bins, disarming themselves as instructed by their government officials.

But the liberal Brit leaders, along with some conservative enablers, just aren’t reducing violent crime with their commitment to a prohibition on self-defense. Though the U.K. has effectively banned guns and now knives for self-defense and more, the only people who have and use guns and knives are —you guessed it— the criminals. The law-abiding can no longer protect themselves with guns or knives against armed criminals. You see, the good guys have given up their guns and knives, but the bad guys have not. Why is that concept so difficult for liberal politicians to understand?

So, what’s the result of Britain’s weapons bans and confiscations? According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, violent crimes, including homicides, have been climbing for four consecutive years. London’s homicide rate exceeds that of New York City. Violent crime soars even as the government continues to disarm the people they are supposed to protect. But how could crime not increase when you disarm the sheep, making harming them easier for the wolves?


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