Last week, US airstrikes thwarted a major attempt to capture ground east of the Euphrates River presumably to set the stage for the Assad regime to gain control of the Kasham Oil Fields. Why are we doing this? To protect our guys on the ground. I get it…but they shouldn’t be there in the first place, right? So shouldn’t we question why this just happened and what we are doing there in the first place? Are we preparing to fight the Russians in Syria? Are we preparing to fight Turkey? Or are we now fighting Syria? I thought we were fighting ISIS.
It now feels like a free-for-all in Syria on a daily basis. Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Russia, Turkey, Kurds, good terrorists, bad terrorists, good rebels, bad rebels, etc. But us killing 100 “pro-regime fighters” — likely soon to be known as PRFs — is bad.

(Credit: Facebook/UNICEF)
Recently, an OpsLens contributor suggested that the US should stay in Syria. I’ve never met the guy and I assume he’s very smart, but I’ve got to disagree. We should be running from this disaster. Let Russia manage this one for a while while we mess with them!
I believe that the sooner we get out of all these s***hole countries, the better. I mean really. What’s the plan? What is the Commander’s intent? What is a successful “end state”? Me and a s***load more Americans want to know. Oh, and yeah, we want to give it a “thumbs up or down” too. Because after all, our troops are there on OUR behalf. I’m behind our troops, but I don’t think there is a coherent plan for them. Certainly not in Syria.
I’d like to ride right over this afternoon and give them a piece of my mind about peace for mankind.
Now, if you’d rather mass produce clean energy (solar, wind, water, etc.)…that would make America GREAT again, and you’d have my vote. Let’s get focused on real problems, not self-inflicted ones. The world is a big place, and no matter how important we think we are, MOST of the world pays little attention to us, thanks to our current president. Our fathers did not want this.
And, in case you haven’t noticed, Mother Earth is starting to get pissed. Emphasis on starting. Maybe we should look ahead a little farther and adjust?
I wonder who they are, the men who really run this land. And I wonder why they run it with such a thoughtless hand. What are their names and on what streets do they live? I’d like to ride right over this afternoon and give them a piece of my mind about peace for mankind. Peace is not an awful lot to ask.