The death of King Michael of Romania is an opportune moment to reflect on the depravity of the communist terror techniques commonly used by the Soviet Union and its allies. King Michael, a cousin of the UK’s Queen Elizabeth, was the hereditary ruler of the former Kingdom of Romania. He was a child regent in the 1920s, and became King in his own right in the 40s at age eighteen, when his father was forced to abdicate by the Nazis. Michael was forced by the communists to abdicate in 1947.
Communist Terror Techniques: Ceausescu
The subsequent communist dictatorship was among the most cruel regimes in the 20th century. When the Romanians finally revolted in 1990, they killed Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife without hesitation. They had waited long for their revenge, and they took it unceremoniously.
King Michael’s career and abdication offer an important lesson. During World War II, Romania was governed by Ion Antonescu, a fascist dictator allied with Adolf Hitler. When he was 22, although he was only a figurehead, Michael joined a coup against Antonescu and the fascists. He ordered the arrest of Antonescu, and Romania left the Axis and joined the Allies. Unfortunately, Romania fell into the Soviet sphere of influence in the post-war division.
Communists Forced the King’s Abdication
Michael opposed communism, just as he had opposed fascism. He correctly saw them both as similar ideologies with the primary goal of subjugating great masses of people. The Soviets saw him as the last obstacle to their takeover of Romania; he was very popular. His abdication in December 1947 confused Romanians, many of whom wondered why he had allowed the communists to triumph. In an interview with the BBC in 2011, he told the story.
“It was the end of the year. My secretary called up from Bucharest and said, Groza [Petru Groza, the communist prime minister] would like to see you as quick as possible… because they wanted to talk about a ‘family problem’. We had just come back from Switzerland, and my future wife and I had just got engaged, so I thought they wanted to talk about that. Well the family question was, to put it to me that I have to abdicate. That the times have changed, monarchies don’t count any more, and all sorts of nonsense of that sort.”
He said if Michael did not abdicate, 1,000 political prisoners would be executed immediately.
Groza threatened King Michael, showing him a pistol. Michael could see communist troops surrounding the palace, but he knew also that the communists were a minority in the country. He still held the support of the people. But then Groza played his trump card.
He told the King that there were thousands of supporters of the monarchy in prison for protesting the communist government policies. He said that if Michael did not abdicate, 1,000 of them would be executed immediately. Michael signed the paper, and the communists went on to rule Romania for over 40 years.
How To Make a Cat Eat Hot Mustard
There is a story about an incident at the 1944 Moscow conference, during which Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin agreed to divide Europe into post-war spheres of influence. The attendees included Vyacheslav Molotov, the Soviet foreign minister; and Averell Harriman, the American ambassador and railroad magnate; among others. The story may be apocryphal, but it is told frequently among diplomats and intelligence analysts.
After an informal dinner at Molotov’s dacha near Moscow, Molotov told Churchill and Harriman, the ranking members of the British and American delegations, that the trouble with their countries is that they were weak. To illustrate his point, he gestured at his cat. How would you get that cat to eat hot mustard, he asked them. He then challenged them to do it.
Harriman spread some mustard on a piece of meat and offered it to the cat. The cat refused. Churchill took some chopped meat and put the mustard inside it. The cat ate some of the chopped meat, but avoided the mustard.
Molotov picked up the cat, took the hot mustard, and smeared it….
Molotov picked up the cat, took the hot mustard, and smeared it on the cat’s anus. The cat jumped away quickly and began licking the mustard off, as the only way to relieve the immediate pain. Molotov told the others that this was why Soviet methods were superior to democratic ones. The Soviets understood motivation, and knew how to ensure that their demands were met with compliance.
Endowed By Their Creator
Molotov failed to understand that human beings are endowed by their Creator with a desire for liberty, for free agency. We carry within us the spark of the Divine, we are capable of free thought, and we will fight to preserve that liberty. The Romanian people did not forget that, and even after 40 years of Soviet domination and manipulation, they threw off the foreign oppressors when they got the chance.
King Michael was described as “a democrat in the face of totalitarian regimes.” So he was, and the people of Romania remembered it. King Michael, RIP.