Modern politicians don’t ask to kill their opponents right away. There is a ladder of dehumanization to climb as they justify increasing levels of violence. We’ve heard Democrat politicians say that Republicans don’t care about killing children because the Republican legislators won’t pass more gun-control. Not only is that extremist rhetoric, it is murderously dangerous. Look at the facts and it seems gun-control Democrats really want more of us to die.
To quote Democrat Congressman Mike Thompson, “How many more kids need to get murdered before House Republican leadership steps up and puts gun violence prevention legislation on the House calendar?”
The Democrat party news site DemCastUSA said, “Republicans …block gun safety reforms while stoking hate. The GOP has blood on their hands while offering ‘Thoughts and Prayers’…”
Let’s look at what Democrat politicians are asking for. This is what happens after honest citizens are disarmed.
Violent criminals commit about 1.2 million violent crimes a year (2019). Most criminals, about five-out-of-six, don’t use a gun in their violent crimes. In contrast, honest citizens use a firearm about 2.8 million times a year to stop death or great bodily injury. We don’t know how many of those defensive incidents would result in the victim’s death if they were disarmed. We can estimate the answer by assuming that criminals who attack disarmed victims are the same sort who attack armed victims. We are assuming that the criminals stay the same and only the actions of the victims change. That is overly simplistic, but it is a start. In fact, violent criminals become more violent when their victims become more vulnerable.
Here is an example to show you what I mean. If half of violent crimes were aggravated assaults, then we’ll assume that half of the attacks on the newly disarmed victims will remain as aggravated assaults. That may be wishful thinking since we don’t know how many aggravated assaults today were really attempted murders where a victim was able to reduce the severity of the attack because he was armed.
Violent criminals committed about 16.4-thousand murders in 2019. That is about 1.4-percent of the violent crimes. We now have 1.4 percent of what used to be armed defenses, about 38-thousand, now become new murders when the victims are disarmed by Democrat gun-control.
Gun-control Democrats more than tripled the number of murdered victims by disarming the good guys.
Violent criminals committed about 821-thousand aggravated assaults in 2019. That is about 68-percent of the violent crimes committed that year. We now have 68 percent of what used to be armed defenses, about 1.9 million, become new aggravated assaults when those armed defenses go away. We don’t know how many of the aggravated assaults would become murders simply because the victims were disarmed. We know there will be some.
Violent criminals committed about 140-thousand sexual assaults in 2019, or about 12 percent of the violent crimes committed that year. We now have 12 percent of what used to be armed defenses, about 326-thousand, become new sexual assaults when the victims are disarmed. We don’t know how many of the sexual assaults would become murders simply because the victims were disarmed. It is more than none.
Gun-control Democrats more than tripled the number of sexual assaults when they disarmed the innocent victims.
Violent criminals committed about 268-thousand robberies, or about 22 percent of the violent crimes committed in 2019. We now have 22 percent of what used to be armed defenses becoming 625-thousand new robberies. About 36 percent of these robberies were committed with a firearm. Gun-control democrats created more than a half million new robbery victims.
Before someone asks, don’t expect criminals to put down their weapons simply because Democrats disarmed the victims. That isn’t how crime works. Criminals wouldn’t be robbers, rapists, attackers, and murderers if they obeyed our laws.
If anyone has blood on their hands, it is the people who want to disarm the victims. Shame on them.