A Police Officer’s Thoughts on the Trump Inauguration

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By T.B. Lefever:

Friday was a pretty good day. I got to see two revered Marine Corps Generals signed into law as the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security. I got to see a white protestor chant “No more racist cops!” at a black officer on a DC sidewalk. That was rich.  I even got to see a silly creature in a social justice warrior uniform looking towards the heavens and screaming, “Noooo!” as if she were the star of a tragic movie kneeling over the dying body of the love of her life.  What made that moment even better was that you could hear Donald John Trump being pronounced the forty-fifth President of the United States in the background as this snowflake melted before your eyes. It literally took less than an hour to be able to find this beautiful moment in time set to Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” going viral on the internet.

It is times like these I’m thankful for web junkies with too much time on their hands.  Come to think of it, it was a great day.

If there is one thing for certain, President Trump understands America, not for the east coast and the “left coast”, but for every little small town in between that makes up our country as a whole.  The media didn’t understand it. His Republican primary opponents didn’t get it. Hillary Clinton couldn’t buy this type of comprehension of what the forgotten people of our nation yearned for.  Still, on the very day that staged the handing-over of the nuclear football, the first executive orders signed into law, and the helicopter of an ex-president fly off into the sunset, Donald Trump’s message remained consistent.  Amidst all the pageantry and ring-kissing of the newly crowned king of Washington, Donald Trump vowed to play Robin Hood.  Whether it came from the mind of Steven K. Bannon, Joe the Plumber, your next door neighbor, or the President himself, we saw Donald Trump stand there and pledge to pry the power from the clutches of the federal establishment and give it back to “we, the people”.

President Trump’s Inaugural Address was exactly what it needed to be, a reminder of why the country voted for him in the first place.  Aside from taking a moment to pay respects to his globalist predecessor, Barack Obama, the speech was dripping with populism and the kind of plainly spoken confidence you expect from a leader.  While it would not be the surprise of the century to see Trump’s muckraking end and a love affair with establishment politicos blossom now that he has achieved his ultimate goal, such a turn of events most definitely did not happen on that night.

Promises to prioritize the people of our nation over beltway elites and foreign financiers were made over and over again for the past eighteen months, and to my delight, the President reassured that those promises would not be forgotten.  Do I expect every specific promise the man ever made to be kept verbatim? No, this is politics after all. We can let Occupy Democrats fight the meme war on Facebook and we can laugh as CNN issues “fake news” headlines every time they look to split hairs on what exactly was said and what exactly was done–but for the foreseeable future, those of us with common sense will be witnessing the information war from a place of power.

We can argue, debate, and ultimately witness the results of the next four to eight years as they play out, but as of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump is my President.  As of today, Donald Trump is the all-black clad anarchist who is destroying public and private property for no real reason’s President.  If they were alive today, Donald Trump would be Trayvon Martin’s President, Freddie Gray’s President, the murdered Dallas PD officers’ President, Dylan Roof’s victims’ President.  Donald Trump is Colin Kaepernick’s President.  Whether or not one agrees with his policies, statements, points of view, marital history, sense of humor, or choice of hair product– if you are an American citizen, Donald Trump is your President.

I hated so many of Barack Obama’s policies, the company he kept, and the public opinions he spouted about what my fellow police officers and I do for a living, but guess what? He was my President, and I never denied that simple fact.  If you are the kid on the playground that takes his ball and goes home when he doesn’t get his way, there are no doubt options for you.  You can take that little ball of yours and kick it all the way south of the border, where you will most certainly receive a wake-up call in the form of a cold, wet bucket of reality across the face.  Let yourself soak in the truth of the good fortune you possess to have been born in the United States.  Let your awakened state reveal to you how foolish you have been to threaten renouncing your citizenship in the first place.  Of course, if you’ve got the finances to insulate yourself from this new American reality, you can no doubt afford your new life in Canada. Yes, I’m talking to you Hollywood Socialites out there.

But leave as you may; you’ll be back. You need us more than we need you.

If we’re being honest with ourselves, we all hit the grandest of life’s jackpots to be born in the United States.  It is refreshing to now have a President intent on defending and maintaining the bounty we have received, and not hording and holding it hostage instead, as some might argue. It’s revitalizing to hear our President say the words “radical Islamic terrorism” instead of continuing to dress them up to avoid defending anyone.  It’s uplifting to see our President finally pledge to order the action necessary to wipe ISIS off the face of the map and offer hope for a future that looks more like a simpler and safer past.  It’s energizing to see our president welcome black public figures and community leaders to the table to discuss strategies for dealing with our nation’s struggling inner cities rather than just inviting them to give hip-hop performances at Washington galas.  And of course, it is encouraging to watch a U.S. President, the most powerful man in the free world, continue to raise the eyebrows of establishment Democrats and Republicans alike with a message of populism and pragmatism.  If not for this departure from the establishment, how could any of the aforementioned tasks be accomplished?

I wrote an article the night Donald Trump shocked the world and became President-Elect that called for us all to hold him to his “drain the swamp” rhetoric. My feelings have not changed.  From what I see right there in front of me, it appears that President Trump is sincere in his intent to deliver on the promises made to make this country a better place to raise children and survive in the middle class.  If he winds up deceiving us all, I will certainly eat my words, but I don’t count on it.

T.B. Lefever is an OpsLens Contributor and active police officer in the Metro-Atlanta area. Throughout his career, Lefever has served as a SWAT Hostage Negotiator, a member of the Crime Suppression Unit, a School Resource Officer, and a Uniformed Patrol Officer. He has a BA in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Rutgers University.

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