Human suffering. Death. The loss of loved ones. It would seem that none of this means a damn thing to the bureaucrats at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are complicit in the mass killings of Americans every single year in their vain attempts to protect Big Pharma and their profits.
If there was ever a government agency that exemplifies how Washington bureaucrats and the “deep state” can totally corrupt an otherwise noble idea in their blind pursuit of power and influence, it would be the FDA.
Originally, the FDA was established to protect public health and it started off, like most government projects, as idealistic and noble. But now, through avarice and an unholy alliance with the largest pharmaceutical companies, they protect the very industries they are supposed to regulate. The end result is the death of Americans.
There is no denying that the FDA has allowed multiple lethal medications and prescription drugs into the market at the cost of thousands of lives. But if that wasn’t bad enough, they also move to block proven safer alternatives at the behest of their masters– Big Pharma.
Case in point is the heart bypass surgery drug, Trasylol. Trasylol was a medication given frequently to patients undergoing heart bypass surgery in order to slow down the bleeding of those patients.
A study published in the February 7, 2007 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that Trasylol was found to significantly increase the risk of death in the subsequent five-year period following heart bypass surgery.
In this study, the data predicts that for the 246,000 Americans who received this drug in 2005, over 19,000 would needlessly die in the following five-year period. FDA warnings in early 2006, weak as they were, curtailed the blockbuster growth of the drug and it appears the drug lost about 20 percent of its sales compared to 2005. This means that roughly 15,000 Americans who received Trasylol in 2006 needlessly died over the next five years because the FDA twiddled its thumbs to protect Bayer from an avalanche of lawsuits.
Just how large is the problem? Well, again we turn to the American Medical Association to highlight the problem. In May of 2002, the Journal published an article where it described the results of a study conducted between 1978 and 1999 where they reviewed the drug-use history of all drugs then-approved by the FDA.
In that study they found that over 10 percent of all total approved drugs were found to have lethal side effects and/or were withdrawn from the market as unsafe. Worse still, when they confined their research to just the most recently approved drugs, they discovered that the number jumped to over 20 percent.
Let me put that into perspective. The numbers clearly and emphatically show that you now have a one-in-five chance that a drug approved by the FDA will be fatal to your health.
Heck, an analysis of just nine of the drugs pulled from the market after FDA approval showed a link to no less than 755 deaths and thousands more consumers with serious to severe injuries. That’s just the tip of the iceberg ,folks.
A recent study published by the National Institute of Health tells an even more frightening tale. Based on their research, it is estimated that over 100,000 fatalities occur from the use of “properly administered” prescription drugs. Another 2.2 million patients are rushed to the hospital each year from the side effects of drugs they are taking.
And what about my contention about them banning and blocking the use of more holistic and viable alternatives? Just take a look at all of the pending legislation and litigation (brought by the FDA) against vitamin and “nutraceutical” companies (think Herbalife.)
Case in point: Marijuana.
Way back in 1930, Harry J. Anslinger, the first director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), with the help of William Randolf Hearst, declared war on and demonized “marijuana” for no other reason than the support of DuPont chemicals and a variety of other pharmaceutical corporations. All of these corporations had a financial interest in defeating hemp in order to promote their own agenda and products.
In fact, most people don’t know that marijuana was actually a legally prescribed medicine up until around 1942. It was only in 1972 that “disgraced Attorney General John Mitchell of the Nixon administration placed marijuana in this category [Schedule 1 drug] sic.,” according to Scientific American.
According to the DEA, all Schedule 1 drugs have, and I quote, “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” The DEA refuses to re-evaluate cannabis for its medical value, most recently in August 2016, saying that “the drug’s therapeutic value has not been proved scientifically.”
It would appear that the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) disagree. Forbes reported in March 2018 that the World Health Organization (WHO) disagreed, ruled that there are “no adverse health outcomes but rather several medical applications for cannabidiol (a.k.a. CBD), despite U.S. federal policy on this cannabinoid chemical.”
Of course, it is important for you to understand that CBD has no mind-altering properties. It is an all-natural and “non-psychoactive” compound. It is the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is the mind-altering psychoactive compound in marijuana. But of course, the uninformed don’t realize this. The Hearst-Anslinger argument was purely based on the THC content of pot without regard to any medical use found with CBD.
But of course, heaven forbid we use an all-natural, proven remedy for a variety of ailments. Nope. Leave it to the government and the DEA to approve a “synthetic form of THC” as a Schedule II controlled substance in November 2017.
But why approve a synthetic, you ask? Because it paved the way for Big Pharma to begin commercial production of dronabinol (Syndros) to treat “nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients and to control the price of the drug in the market place.”
This from Herb magazine: “The restrictions give Insys the freedom to set the price point for its own legal brand of THC, which can range $1,000 to $2,000 for a month’s supply.” Most people can buy a month’s worth of “pot” for about $250 to $500.
Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
So of course, for fear of not getting arrested, many spend the money on the synthetic substitute. But the fact of the matter is, these synthetic forms of THC could be deadly. With more than 150 products available—all of which are unregulated—a report published by the Huffington Post showed that users of synthetic pot are experiencing “convulsions, kidney injury, toxicity to the heart, strokes and anxiety” and links to 20 deaths as of February 2017.
The New York Times reported in April 2018 that synthetic MJ tainted by a rat poison that causes severe bleeding called brodifacoum “sickened 107 people in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana; three of them have died.”
So, what is going on at the leadership of the DEA, the DoJ and the FDA? To find the answers, just follow the money.
Many are aware of the synthetic opioid Fentanyl which is now one of the major drugs being smuggled into the country.
It turns out that Attorney General Jeff Sessions “has hypocritically granted a monopoly on the sale of THC to big pharma company Insys Therapeutics whose drug fentanyl is responsible for killing tens of thousands every year.” Top executives at Insys, Michael Baich (former CEO) and John Kapoor (founder), were “caught bribing doctors to prescribe opioid drugs that have led to one of the largest addiction problems in the history of the world.”
There it is folks, in black and white. We, the American tax payers are funding a crooked deep state government that is protecting Big Pharma in order to dominate and control the profits of the now-legal domestic synthetic production of drugs while making it illegal to use, own, or possess a natural and viable alternative.
Now, thankfully, some states are fighting back and making marijuana legal in their state, but it does not stop it from being a federal crime. Get rid of the FDA or at least replace the head of the snake and let’s see what follows.