Fake Moral Outrage — The Democratic Playbook

By: - July 17, 2018

If you have been watching the news at all lately you have seen the constant barrage of images and commentary on the “child separations” occurring at the border. Back in June 2018, I wrote an article on the absolute false narrative of it all. This time I want to bring your attention to the absolute hypocrisy and fake moral outrage of the left.

As I previously mentioned, this separation of children at the borders is nothing new. In fact, it was started under the Obama administration. A study released this week by the Media Resource Center’s News Analysis Division found that while the media are happily attacking President Trump and Border Patrol agents for enforcing immigration laws, they were less vocal about their deeply-held principles when the culprit was Barack Obama.

So the first question is: Where was all of this moral outrage back when we were doing this very thing under the Obama administration? Oh, that’s right. It was the Obama administration, and as we well know, according to the media and the left, his administration could do no wrong.

“This is going to be lengthy and may sound heartless to those blindly following the national media, but I don’t understand the outrage over illegal immigrant parents being separated from their kids. It is upsetting that it is happening but why are people so shocked at this point in time? I hate to draw comparison again but Obama did the same thing on a much larger scale. Even Democrats admit that the media were all but silent on it back then.” (Credit: Facebook/Travis Dempsey)

Also consider the reason for the child separations: Separation only occurs when the investigating officials discover that the adult with the child is or might be falsely claiming to be the child’s parent, or is in fact a threat to the child (ie.: abuse, sex trade, etc.)

In other words, we assume custodial responsibility for the child when the child may be in danger. Don’t we do exactly the same thing here with Child Protective Services and domestic allegations of child endangerment or abuse? The hypocrisy here is unreal.

Now let’s consider what other nations do with their “illegal immigrants” and then ask ourselves where is the moral outrage by the left? Why are you not hearing about this on the mainstream media? Why are there no protests or cries for action? Because it is all fake moral outrage.

Consider Italy and their policy. Basing their new policy right out of the Trump playbook, Italy publicly announced a complete and total exhortation of Germany, England, and France’s “open door immigration policies.”

Please remember, Italy is part of the European Union, is a modern “western” country with the third largest economy in Europe and the eight largest in the world. So this is not a third-world country with barbaric ideals or treatment of foreigners. (More on that later.)

In short, Matteo Salvini, Italy’s new Interior Minister, took a very hard line against illegal immigration and the continued strain on Italy’s limited resources. He stated emphatically in a press interview that “common sense” was needed to stop the country from becoming “Europe’s refugee camp.”

What is most interesting here is that Italy is suffereing from political unrest and terrible budgetary problems. This of coursed resulted in the “populist coalition” coming to power and a compromise between Salvini’s right-wing La Lega Party, and the left-wing Five Star Movement, led by Luigi Di Maio. But of course, they are diametrically opposed on many, many critical issues. But what is the one common issue on which they share common goals? Anti-immigration.

As reported in the Express News website (because you won’t find anything in our mainstream media): Under a blazing sun in the port town of Pozzallo, the Interior Minister told his supporters that, “Italy and Sicily cannot be Europe’s refugee camp.” Salvini continued, “Nobody will take away my certainty that illegal immigration is a business…and seeing people make money on children who go on to die makes me furious,” he said on Sunday when the bodies of 35 migrants were found on Tunisia’s southern coast.

Isn’t it ironic that just hours after Salvini took his oath of office, the Italian Coast Guard was dispatched on a rescue operation to save 158 people, including 9-children?

But in typical hardline form, Salvini announced emphatically: “The good times for illegals are over, get ready to pack your bags!”

Far-right Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has pledged to deliver on his campaign promise to deport half a million asylum seekers from the country. Salvini declared on Friday that one of the new government’s top priorities would be to “send them home,” signaling to keep a campaign pledge which could result in some 500,000 undocumented refugees leaving Italy. “Open doors in Italy for good people and a one-way ticket for those who come to Italy to create commotion and think they will be taken care of. ‘Send them home’ will be one of our top priorities,” he said.(Credit: Facebook/Syria Insider)

So where was the moral outrage then? Because this is happening in Italy, do we not care? What about the fact that children are dying? Well, it would appear, that unless it fulfills a “political agenda” most of the left and the mainstream media simply don’t care.

Italy, just like the rest of Europe and the United States, is being besieged by the sheer odds of a terrorist attack. The means and methodology of these terrorists entering their target country? You guessed it, illegal immigration. Under Italy’s previous “liberal” administrations, Italy allowed over 400,000 illegal aliens to stay in the country because of security issues. Despite the fact that none of them had been properly vetted. Un-vetted and un-documented immigrants remaining in the country posed a clear and present danger to the citizens of Italy. Does this sound like any other “liberal” administration with which you are familiar?

Is it no wonder that Italy is calling for more deportations?

Within just a three-year window, Italy has absorbed more than half-a-million illegal aliens. To put that in perspective, that is more illegal immigrants than the entire population of Florence, Italy.

This of course puts an enormous strain on Italy’s resources. Consider Italy’s economic woes. Currently, Italy’s public debt is an astronomical 131 percent of the country’s GDP. How are they supposed to pay for all of this? Of course, the reasons and rationale for deporting illegals is irrelevant to the left.

But here is the irony of it all. It is actually the tighter border controls and enforcement initiated by France, Switzerland and Austria that are forcing more and more illegal aliens to seek alternative routes to refuge, driving many of these illegals to the shore’s of Italy.

So Italy takes a hardcore “pack your bags” attitude and…nary a peep out of the left.

Now let’s look at a third-world country and their absolutely ghastly treatment of illegals. And again, ask yourself: Where is the moral outrage by the left?

In June of 2018, Algeria abandoned over 13, 000 refugees to the harsh Sahara Desert. That is not a typo and yes, it included many women and children. According to reports by the Associated Press, there are detailed witness accounts of migrants and refugees from Africa left to die in the Sahara Desert: “Algeria has abandoned more than 13,000 people in the Sahara Desert over the past 14 months, including pregnant women and children, expelling them without food or water and forcing them to walk, sometimes at gunpoint, under a blistering sun under temperatures of up to 48 degrees Celsius. Some never make it out alive.”

(Credit: Facebook/Mitsumasa Nakayama)

Still, where is the moral outrage? All we are doing is separating children from possible sex traffickers or worse…and Trump and his supporters are vilified for it.

Yet 13,000 men, women, and children are left to die in the Sahara Dessert and nary a word. The hypocrisy and fake moral outrage disgusts me.

According to the Associated Press, the expelled migrants and refugees could be seen arriving by the hundreds in Niger, to where most of them try to escape. The problem? It is a desolate 15 kilometer (9.3-mile) trek across the Sahara Desert.

Many wander for days, untold numbers perish, the lucky ones are found and rescued by United Nation rescue squads.

Nearly all of the more than two-dozen survivors interviewed by the Associated Press news agency told of people in their groups, who simply vanished into the Sahara.

According to the Associated Press: Liberian Ju Dennis filmed his deportation with a phone he kept hidden on his body. It shows people crammed on the floor of an open truck, vainly trying to shade their bodies from the sun and hide from the gendarmes. He narrated every step of the way in a hushed voice: “You’re facing deportation in Algeria – there is no mercy,” he said. “I want to expose them now…We are here, and we saw what they did. And we got proof.”

So here we have actual live footage by a survivor of what some would call a cold and callous massacre. Yet, by comparison, the fake moral outrage at the United States border included doctored photographs and photographs of apprehended children that occurred during the Obama administrations crack down…not Trump’s.

As you can see, the left’s playbook is to put forth fake moral outrage, label their target as a homophobe, Islamophobe, racist, etc., and then attack, attack, attack. Perhaps if the left took a moment to see the real problems in the world and then if they would actually care about the issue, maybe we could actually effect real positive change.

But until then, America and the rest of the world will continue to see the leftists for what they actually are: Peddlers of hate.


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