
Gillette Loses Billions on Sissy Ad Campaign, Tops Friday Roundup

Let’s get to it, shall we?

  • Shaving giant Gillette lost $8 billion in value as a result of their recent wussification. You remember, they ran an ad campaign decrying toxic masculinity and the resultant TV spot portrayed various Beta males trying to pass on the sensitive male bacillus to their pals and progeny. Men across America balked, then scratched themselves and burped, and Gillette is left as a laughing stock. Not exactly a Don Draper-like standard of marketing excellence.
  • President Trump pulled out of the INF nuclear treaty today after decades of cheating by the Russians. He publicly blamed Russian dishonesty for causing his move. A very strange act for a Russian puppet.
  • AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka warned green and anti-U.S. energy production Dems not to take union votes for granted as they pursue a limousine liberal agenda. Dems were too busy eating hummus and obsessing on race to notice.
  • Dems take a risky gamble by criticizing the disgraced 44th president to get at Joe Biden, as the simpering Baath Party member is still revered by the communists and slack-jawed simpletons who always make up half of the modern U.S. electorate.
  • Prince Harry and his American actress wife have gone full Bolshie, as he spews forth the leftist crybaby script and she comes closer to crossing the very real prohibition against royals taking part in politics. This is sad and a far cry from the young prince of non-PC costumes and combat duty in Afghanistan. His father and even Wills, only a bit, have also come up to that line, though haven’t quite crossed it. Let us hope Kate and Camilla can keep them from doing something they will all regret, in exile.
  • Chinese troops are lining up at the border with Hong Kong definitely to intimidate and possibly to invade. There is nothing anyone can do about this. Yet, it is a historical reminder that gunboat diplomacy arrayed against the heathen wasn’t always a bad thing. The residents of Hong Kong today would no doubt appreciate a British dreadnought or two in that regard. If such British ships, or the will to use them, still existed.
  • The Norks twice test-fired short-range missiles today in another “up yours pal” to the U.S. president. We got taken on this, as did all recent U.S. presidents, and no amount of rationalizing will cover that up.
  • Airhead thespian Alyssa Milano is feeling “hopeless” because the GOP will not stop Trump. She is confusing political despondency with the state of her career.
  • A couple of days ago, Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Omar took a junket to Venice, Italy, and tasted all the finest wine and cuisine while, by their own definitions, a fascist madman runs amok caging babies and shredding the constitution. While Rome burns, eh girls?
  • Last weekend the Dem utopia of Chicago sported 48 people shot, nine of them killed. Obviously all the fault of racism, as unreconstructed Confederate infantry entered the city and coerced the innocent citizens to shoot each other.
  • And finally, in more news on Dem municipal paradises, a Seattle-area city councilman claims washing human excrement off pavement is racially traumatic because water and hoses recall images of high-pressure hoses used against civil rights activists over 50 years ago. They actually think it is better to live in the public health nightmare of summer season shite-filled streets than offend absurd leftist sensibilities. There are those in power in both L.A. and San Francisco who have expressed similar sentiments. So nice to know their priorities are in keeping with the usual noxious result. Have a good a weekend.