By Samuel Smith, The Christian Post:
The Islamic State’s police force has killed a 10-year-old girl in Mosul using a metal torture device that rips apart flesh as punishment for stepping outside her home unaccompanied by a male family member.
The Russian news outlet Sputnik Arabic has been credited by U.K. news sites as reporting that 10-year-old Fatan was punished by IS (also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh) for stepping outside of the threshold of her home in the group’s shrinking Iraqi stronghold while she was cleaning.
In some strict Muslim cultures, it is considered against Sharia law for a female to leave her home without being accompanied by her father, husband or a male relative.
According to the Daily Mail, the mother was asked by members of the female Al-Khansaa brigade to choose whether she or her daughter would endure the punishment. Because she did not think the punishment would be fatal, she chose her daughter.
A 20-year-old witness who did not disclose her name told Sputnik that after the mother chose the daughter, the police force broke out a medieval-like metal torture device with jaws that rip apart flesh and was allegedly doused with poison. This device killed Fatan who bled out and died.
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