There’s one thing that gets me more than anything else about Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s hate-crime hoax exoneration-on-steroids of the obviously well-connected “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.
It gets me more than Foxx insulting the Chicago Police by excluding them from the decision-making process (reportedly, she even waited until the police leadership was at a police academy graduation to release the news that she dropped the charges).
More than Foxx, out of an “abundance of caution,” recusing herself from the Jussie Smollett case only to unrecuse herself to absolve Smollett.
More than Michelle Obama’s former chief-of-staff, Tina Tchen, allegedly attempting to interfere with the investigation by getting Foxx to transfer the case from the Chicago Police Department to the FBI.
More than Foxx accepting a mere one hour of “community service” for each of the 16 criminal counts in the indictment.
More than settling for Smollett forfeiting a meager $10,000 bond, a tiny percentage of the true cost to the city.
More than Foxx downplaying the toxic effect Smollett’s actions have and continue to have on the community—the country.
More than Foxx sealing the files to make the decision murky rather than transparent.
More than ignoring a community’s need to know Chicago does not have a two-tiered justice system.
More than dropping the myriad charges without requiring the defendant admit a court would have convicted him if the case had gone to trial.
More than when he spoke to the media immediately following his release, not only showing no remorse but also continuing to maintain the delusion he has told no lies.
More than Foxx unilaterally choosing not adjudicating the crime in a court of law. Until and unless he concedes to the overwhelming evidence of his hoax, Smollett will continue to victimize millions of President Trump’s supporters as well as all the victims of true hate-crimes.
More than any of these things, Jussie Smollett’s crime is not over.