The chorus of raspy clamoring Madame Defarge voices is interesting to hear in the #metoo movement, as they chop off another male head and screech “la guillotine!” Even tonight Dems try to use the blade to stop the Kavanaugh nomination by dredging up a high school —yes, high school— moment to embarrass the nominee. To quote my FDNY pal Jim Kearney, “Yea. He looks like a real rebel playboy. The hottest guy in the Chess Club.”
If I were under investigation for 1970s-era high school sexual harassment the hearing would include, “No, Senator, you’re referring to Volume 9. The occasion…I mean alleged incident, is noted in Volume 14.”
But as always in these things, the Law of Unintended Consequences plays a big part. For the entire #metoo movement, in fact the entire cottage industry of sexual harassment claims and charges, stems from the fact that decades ago modern feminism decried traditional norms of honorable masculine behavior. The gentlemanly ways of our ancestors were insulted as patriarchal, patronizing, and sexist. The problem the gorgons didn’t figure on was, you replace that with the post-modern hippy fake sensitive guy norm and you empower a generation of grownup groovy males to treat you like meat. It’s because you’ve left them with few other options. Be a square and treat women with traditional respect by doing things like opening doors? The “love the one you’re with” cultural leftists won’t have that. Tug on your forelock and surrender to the overweening matriarchy? Not. Gonna. Happen.
So the majority of us try to navigate the minefield as best we can. But others of the with-it variety see the feminist loathing of honorable behavior as license to take the harpies up on their word and jettison anything that would not pass the harridan smell test. That to include treating women with decorum and actual respect due their gender and disposition.
It’s not just #metoo, it’s #themtoo. It’s the feminist lobby that has had a hand in bringing this upon themselves by their War on Men.
No surprise so much of #metoo comes out of the entertainment industry, bastion and progenitor of pop culture indoctrination, home of always clumsy and befuddled dads, evil boyfriends, and male leads with the testosterone levels of slightly bi-curious geraniums. Ironic, perhaps, that the main individual who has ferreted out these obnoxious and boorish deeds by media and Hollywood men is the likely son of Frank Sinatra, Mr. S. not exactly remembered for his noble championship of any stage feminism.
This is not to say that any of the actions of liberal icons like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Les Moonves, Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, the list goes on, is in any way excusable. They are clumsy pathetic pigs who should be shamed and hounded out of town for sheer crassness. If they laid one finger on any non-consenting female they should be prosecuted like any other assaulting perv and made to pay for their transgressions. However, laying responsibility for their worldview on radical feminism is not an excuse, but an explanation. The political application of feminism to this issue? Back to Kavanaugh.
The nominee seems like Ozzie Nelson. Church-going, community volunteering, not sleeping around Brett lives a traditionally honorable life devoid of feminist and liberal pieties. His married life is not a flowing sewer of public humiliation and soul-crushing contractual obligation. Not like I’m…the Clintons…comparing him to anybody.
Thus his apparent happiness and decency cannot be countenanced. I mean, what if other people started to live a stable happy family life? My Gawd?! Where would feminism be? So the bitter dames who hate Kavanaugh for his happiness, and that of his family, will make him pay for it.
How? Leftist nostalgia de la boue by trotting out the failed Anita Hill maneuver, a last-ditch attempt to smear a conservative nominee. If we’re lucky the frothing sorority may even give us a peek at Hill herself. This is like making an ancient never-ender Confederate war veteran make a speech on the centennial of the Fort Sumter attack. Something tells me, he still won’t be kind to them Yankees.
And Hill has suuuuch credibility, given her non-sensical pubic hair on a Coke can allegation against Thomas. Oh yeah, that is always a way to make a woman amorous. Works every time. Uh-huh. First, what kind of guy is going to pull out his own pubic hair? That would smart like hell. Then, how do you logically go from there to the placing of said pube upon a Coke can for a female engine-revving strategy? If I placed a fingernail on a Gatorade bottle and purred, “Heeeeey baby. Wanna get busy?” I doubt any sane woman would react with 9 1/2 Weeks-like enthusiasms. More than not, they would just be very confused.
It’s a good bet now-Justice Thomas understood that too and Hill was and is too dull to come up with a more believably awkward foreplay scenario.
We’ll see the same level of efficiency here, as Feinstein and coven will display a highly-coached probable Dem activist who will natter on regarding the decades-long torture of Kavanaugh making a teenage pass at her, if that. Her voice will break, she will cry, and the Hollywood Hive, they the main carriers of the sexual assault bacillus, will raise themselves on their hind legs and bellow “virtual rapist,” no matter how ridiculous the charge, rumor, or mere insinuation. They will do this because they’ve been programmed to accept any absurdity, lie, or hypocrisy from their ideological masters. How they do it so quickly and effortlessly must produce great mirth amongst the Clinton, Obama, and Soros clans.
All this noise to convince Collins, Murkowski, and several Dems in Trump states to vote with the slobbering conformist mob.
So we’ll watch the drama unfold, knowing the twisted road of feminist ahistorical and biologically unsound illogic that got us here in the first place. And we’ll see Senate Dems try to pull off the Hill gambit in 2018. Like in 1991, they will huff, pull, and caterwaul, hoping the excruciating cacophony will topple a decent man like Kavanaugh.
But guess what, gals, just like in 1991, he will be confirmed anyway and by your actions prior to that ye will be judged as the fomenters of your own harassed bedding.
Good, now lie in it. Which should be easy for you, because you’re quite adept at lying.