
Do Those Who Keep Calling Trump “Hitler” and a Fascist Appreciate the Irony In Their being Able to Call Trump “Hitler” and a Fascist Without Being Arrested and Sent to a Concentration Camp?

By Dr. John, FloppingAces:

Yesterday Sean Spicer was accosted by a woman (ambushed is more like it) in an Apple store. Her name is Shree Chauhan. Watch the video and see the pure hate she heaps upon Spicer.


Despite her deranged harassment Spicer, to his great credit, stayed polite and calm.  Her behavior is appalling. It is uncivil. And as such, she is the epitome of the left. She is the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome, and there is an Army behind her. Chauhan hit Spicer with the highly cliched accusation first:

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