Law Enforcement Expert Drafts Executive Order Proposal for President Trump on the Second Amendment

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This is a proposal for an executive order to clarify the second Amendment that we can certainly get behind…

In light of the outcry of many these days over President Trump’s executive orders, and as much as people are protesting President Trump’s immigration order (even without reading it or understanding it), I have a suggestion for the president. I would like to see him write and sign yet another executive order. This one would be so HUGE that even the media would have a hard time with it. It would be the biggest step forward in citizens’ rights—maybe the most important thing he could do during his presidency, since this executive order would protect the country and its citizens as long as our country exists. I even wrote it out for him, and I give him and the administration permission to plagiarize and use it all they want!

Executive Order

Clarification of the Second Amendment in Relation to the Militia, Designation of Firearms for Militia Use

By the authority vested in me as president and commander in chief of the Armed Forces and militia of the United States, by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure the ability of citizens of the United States to perform the duties of the militia; defend themselves and fellow citizens, their communities, and their states; and ensure the safety and security of our nation, I hereby order as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. National, state, and local community security are paramount to a secure and free society. With the increased threat of terrorism attacks on American soil, the potential threat of attacks by foreign nationals or nations, and the increase in radicalized terrorist attacks, the right of the citizens of the United States must be protected.

Section 2. Policy. As the Executive Branch, Office of the President, it is my duty and policy to:

  • Support and defend the Constitution of the United States, including the Second Amendment right of the people to keep and bear arms for self-defense and the defense of the United States, its states, and local communities.
  • Support the right of the citizens to possess and bear military-style arms that allow them to perform their duties, if needed, as part of the national militia to defend their communities, states, and (if needed) nation. As stated in the Constitution, the executive branch is responsible for ensuring the common defense of the nation and its citizens.
  • Order that the states and political subdivisions therein do not restrict the possession of suitable firearms that may be used for defense of the states, communities, or nation, and that any restrictions would be in direct conflict with this executive order.


Section 3. Definitions. As used in this order, the following definitions will apply:

  • The term “militia” is as defined in Title 10, Section 311 United States Code. Inclusive of State Statute definitions.
  • The term “bear arms” is to include the physical possession and carrying, both concealed and openly, of firearms of the type defined herein.
  • The term “self-defense” shall include actions taken by citizens to defend themselves and fellow citizens from physical attack.
  • The term “military-style arms” will include those types of firearms that would serve well for use in the military defense of the nation, to include firearms that have been used in the past and present in the United States’ active military forces and fully functional replicas of said weapons, both semi-automatic and fully automatic. This includes both pistols and rifles.

Section 5.  This order will preempt all laws of the states or political subdivisions that infringe on the rights of citizens under the Second Amendment and this order.

Section 6. This section is to serve as judicial notice to the judges of all federal and state courts that possession of the designated firearms by lawful citizens of the United States and required accessories shall not be infringed upon by state or federal laws. Any actions brought before the courts concerning these issues should be reviewed under strict scrutiny to determine if they are a violation of the Constitution of the United States or this order.

Donald J. Trump

President of the United States of America

Chris Wagoner is a Senior OpsLens Contributor and U.S. Army Veteran. He has been in law enforcement the last 35+ years. He specializes in LE Firearms Instruction, and is in charge of a large Police Academy in North Florida. In his spare time Chris is a freelance Military Reporter and owner/founder of the Largest Military Videos Channel on YouTube “3rdID8487”.

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