
The Left is Eating Itself Alive

“Every now and then I read something from a leftist source and then I have to scroll up and make sure I haven’t been redirected to The Onion – no kidding.”

Republicans are now 4-0 in special elections in the Trump-Era despite their Montana candidate slamming a reporter to the ground by his neck and in spite of their Georgia 6th District candidate, Karen Handel, being out fundraised 23.6 million to 4.5 million. CNN – who cut off Handel’s victory speech – hasn’t gotten it figured out yet. Neither has the Democrat National Committee (one and the same as CNN), who is sending out its surrogates to all of a sudden downplay the loss in the 6th by pretending they didn’t just spend half the year declaring Ossoff the “Trump Slayer” while throwing money at him like a dancing woman on a pole.

Meanwhile, Republicans are gloating, Trump’s doing his touchdown dance, and I’m writing this piece. So what in the world is wrong with the left these days, anyway?

The new-left’s sustained effort to increase the size of their tent with identity politics over the years has led to strange bedfellow alliances within their ranks and the watering down of virtually all their groups. We’re at the point where the modern left has become a smorgasbord of irony and no one can tell if they’re actually being serious or if they are somehow messing with us. Every now and then I read something from a leftist source and then I have to scroll up and make sure I haven’t been redirected to The Onion – no kidding.

When it comes to the Steve Scalise shooting, we’ve got regressive leftists who never shut up about a dominant male patriarchy doing their best impressions of an abusive husband who justifies bloodying his wife’s lip because the dinner was cold. There’s CBS’s Scott Pelley calling the ambush on Republican lawmakers, “to a degree, self-inflicted.”

Then there’s Joy Reed trying to make political hay by bringing on “Reverend” William Barber to talk about all of the policy positions Republicans take that make them deserving of being shot at by leftists as the phrase, “A Moral Moment” hilariously reads on the bottom of the screen. Only in lefty la la land is it moral to justify the shooting of a man because of how he votes in Congress – before he’s even out of the hospital nonetheless. Its laughable until you realize how shockingly disturbing it is. After all, this is the stuff that spurs civil war conversation, is it not?

Then you have the pussy-hat wearing new-feminists aligning with a scoundrel like Linda Sarsour, who denies the ugly reality of mass scale female genital mutilation going on in the Islamic world while refusing to answer questions that come from white men. Don’t save women’s genitals, wear them on your head and yell “Trump hates women!” instead. Of course, when she does respond to critics – such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali – an actual victim of female genital mutilation in Somalia, her message is, “I wish I could take her vagina away. She doesn’t deserve to be a woman.”

The irony is blinding. Sarsour has more in common with the men who victimize people like Hirsi Ali than she does with the doltish American women marching with her. This hag and feminism go together like lamb and tuna fish. Yet, here we are.

What else is the new-left up to? Well, they’re indoctrinating gays to believe that anyone who criticizes Islam is somehow their de facto enemy of course. There’s nothing more self-sabotaging than a gay American criticizing others for being Islamophobic, yet we continue to see incidents such as Charlotte Pride banning Trump-supporting gays from their parade like they did earlier this month. Spare us the “inclusivity” ear-beating, Charlotte Pride. Practice what you preach.

Groups like Gays for Trump who refuse to pretend that their own aren’t being tortured and thrown from buildings all over the Middle East in the name of Islam are around because people with commonalities will always find the truth. Shariah Law is pretty harsh on virtually everyone that is not a fundamentalist Muslim, but if there is any group that should be inherently weary of Islam, it is the gay community.

How about the new-left’s brainwashing of virtually every minority group to support abortion and Planned Parenthood even though black and Latino women are five times and two times respectively more likely to abort a pregnancy than white women in the US per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention?

We’re always hearing the new-left say things like “Republicans get the white working class to vote against their own best interest,” but isn’t Planned Parenthood a perfect example of how the Democrats are doing this to minorities? From a simply strategic standpoint, shouldn’t minority groups want to grow in numbers to gain influence in government and shouldn’t majority groups want to find ways to retain their majority status? Everyone knows Planned Parenthood was founded by white eugenicist, Margaret Sanger. Who does Planned Parenthood really help, average minority citizens or elitists clinging to power? This is basic stuff.

Ultimately, you have a message being driven by wealthy white “progressives” that says all minority groups should be banding together against anything and everything straight, white, male, or Christian – even though the Hispanic and black cultures are far more patriarchal and traditional in terms of same-sex marriage than atheist white democrats thanks to their own Christianity.

Catholicism and Southern Baptism have shown little budge in the acceptance of homosexuality even in modern times. As far as illegal immigration is concerned, how long can out-of-work black American citizens continue to support the pouring in of illegal immigrants that take jobs from them? Simply rallying against whiteness by default is not going to be enough in the long-term for groups to ignore the holes in the reason for doing it.

The regressive left is hell-bent on telling everyone that 2+2= 3 and that they’re evil if they don’t think the math adds up. Of course, none of it makes any sense, and that is why the new-left is doomed. The business model of pitting everyone against traditional American values regardless of how their own values clash with each other is just not sustainable.

There are two theoretical ways they can hold it all together as I see it. The first is to keep people completely ignorant of the above-mentioned realities, but we don’t live in North Korea. They might have to turn off the MSM and do some personal research, but the truth is out there for people to find it when they are willing – and people will always be willing. Assuming these leftist lunatics don’t turn us into North Korea, keeping us all from knowledge and truth will never work.

The second is to constantly convolute everything all the time and make people so confused that they can no longer think with their brain. When you accomplish this, it’s easier to appeal to peoples’ emotions and get them to speak, act, and vote on the “feels.” We all know war is bad, but how many people actually know what the hell is going on in the Middle East and can speak on it with authority?

The new-left wants us to feel overwhelmed with the multiple competing sects of Islam, the natural resources at stake, the Russia-US-Iran-Syria geopolitics, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, etc. and then show some horrible pictures of dead kids to guilt people into accepting predominantly grown men as refugees into their countries without any further questions – or you’re an evil Islamophobe! That works only for so long, however, as there are people much more intelligent than I dominating the discussions based on logic and reason.

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. It’s like the quote was tailor made for the modern DNC, but they won’t heed the words. To the new-left, there’s no way for Einstein to be anything but a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, bigot just like everybody else out there. No wonder their membership is dwindling.