
‘Leftist Fight Club’ Trains UCF Students to Fight Republicans

By Lauren Cooley, Campus Reform:

The “Knights for Socialism” group at the University of Central Florida (UCF) held a workshop Sunday to teach left-wing students how to “BASH THE FASH” with a “Leftist Fight Club” open to everyone but Republicans.

“In response to the record number of hate crimes against Latinxs, Immigrants, Muslims, Women, the LGBTQIA+ community, Jews, African Americans and other minorities since the rise of Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis, Knights for Socialism has decided to host a series of self-defense clinics for anyone that wants to learn how to BASH THE FASH,” asserts the Facebook event page for “Leftist Fight Club: The Rumbles at Lake Claire.”

After the instruction, students were given the opportunity to practice what they learned by sparring with one another.

The event planners specifically urged women to attend because they expect a rise in sexual violence due to the election of President Trump.

To read the rest of the article visit CampusReform.org.