With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders all trying to run as far left as possible, they are fooling themselves into thinking that the American people actually want their brand of politics. They don’t even hide that they are socialists. With outlandish proposals that would destroy the country, fueled by the anti-Semitic rants of Representative Ilhad Omar, the Democratic Party is giving away the 2020 election. As they try to out-left each other, one-up each other with radical ideas, or just make fools of themselves with the division in their party, the Republicans can almost sit back and phone this one in.
Just to make sure we know what we are talking about, here is a list of several of the nutty proposals that go against everything that has made the United States the envy of the world:
- The Democrats support late-term/live-birth abortions. This is so far outside the mainstream that it is unbelievable anyone would support (much less sponsor) it as a bill, but they did.
- The Democrats would like to restrict the Second Amendment any way they can. Background checks so stringent that you lending a firearm to a hunting buddy without him/her first engendering a background check is simply unworkable, but they are trying to make that a reality.
- Under the Green New Deal, they want to put an end to air travel.
- They want to clean up the environment by making cows extinct.
- They want to end the use of fossil fuels and only use “green energy.” What they seem to forget is without fossil fuels the farms can not run tractors, combines, or plows. Food cannot be distributed, and every tree on the planet would be cut down for fuel. I guess they don’t realize by saving us from fossil fuel use they will kill the planet’s forests. What do the forests do? Well, producing the air we breathe is one thing. Seems they forgot about that too. By the way, it takes eight trees to produce the oxygen use of one person per year. Killing the fossil fuel industry will end over one million jobs.
- They want us to remodel or retrofit every building, home or structure in the U.S. to use “ green energy.”
- Young folks are not to have children anymore.
- Those who work will be taxed into the Stone Age to pay for this hairbrained plan.
- Free money will incentivize those too lazy to work. Free college, free housing, free universal healthcare for everyone is their platform.
- Speaking about healthcare, they want to kill the private healthcare insurance industry. That will cost 600 thousand jobs.
- They want to expand Social Security; to do that they would raise the amount each worker pays to Social Security to almost 15 percent.
- Senator Warren is proposing free government-run childcare. Yes, I surely want that—NOT!
- They want the upper-income level in the U.S. to be taxed at 70 percent.
- They support illegal immigration above border security.
- They support sanctuaries for criminals and fight against law enforcement to the point of calling for the abolishment of ICE and Homeland Security.
- Then finish it up with their own party that can’t even decide if they are for or against condemning Rep. Omar for her comments against the Jewish community, a segment that has traditionally supported the Democrats.
The Democratic Party is fractious and fear that if they are not left-leaning enough, the new AOC fans won’t vote for them. They have lost sight of reality.
The only thing they are united on is fighting the Trump presidency to the detriment of their own party and the good of the country.
It would be entertaining to watch this circus if it wasn’t for the fact that some of this nonsense might actually get passed.
God help us. Oh, wait…they don’t want me to be allowed to say that either. Wow!