
No Justice at John Jay, Only Propaganda

“The fact is this.  John Jay has become a Democrat-run social justice warrior enclave for criminal justice reform and far left indoctrination no different than Berkeley, Evergreen, take your pick.”

From the time I was a kid, I always wanted to be a lawman.  For a little while, I flirted with the idea of being a lawyer, but a cop life was the top of the mountain for me. Towards the end of my time at a small high school in New Jersey, I can remember putting John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the top of my list of schools to apply to.  John Jay was considered to be a Mecca of sorts when it came to studying criminal justice and law, and it was right on the Hudson from me. It seemed meant to be.

Back when I was considering John Jay, the sales pitch was that it was the place to be for anyone who really wanted to pursuit a career in the FBI, CIA, or any of the elite Federal law enforcement agencies.  The idea was that it was ground-zero for securing career-making “connections” that would be needed to get my foot in the door at an agency of prestige.

Coming from a John Jay pedigree would also provide me with the feather in my cap needed to help me continue advancing once I made it as a big-time federal agent.  What aspiring law enforcement professional wouldn’t want to attend a school boasting world-renowned forensic scientists, big city police and fire chiefs, prominent District Attorneys, and field-related entrepreneurs as alumni?  That was the John Jay dream.

I never became a John Jay Bloodhound, of course.  It was just too expensive.  Out-of-State tuition fees combined with having to find a place to live near Midtown Manhattan made it all but off-limits to me. I guess my white privilege just didn’t come through for me as advertised.  Imagine that.  I have no regrets, though.  After watching an interview with one John Jay professor on this past Thursday’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, I’m glad to have dodged the bullet.

It’s too easy – like fighting down a couple weight classes, or even worse – paying for sex.  Just don’t do it. You’re better than that.

I’ve got to say, my general rule of thumb is to never write about anyone who goes on Tucker Carlson. Don’t get me wrong, the show is great – but to spend much time writing critically about anyone who “The Tuck” brutally puts out to pasture is to pick the lowest hanging fruit there is.  It’s too easy – like fighting down a couple weight classes, or even worse – paying for sex.  Just don’t do it. You’re better than that.

I’m not trying to turn my nose up on the show itself because I really do understand the allure.  For conservatives, it’s intellectual junk food – simply irresistible taking in but you’re not really going to learn anything new unless you’ve been walking around with a blindfold on to how completely bonkers the hard left is.

Carlson’s team routinely finds the most absurd and out of touch leftists walking the face of the planet and invites them on so they can embarrass themselves in front of a primetime audience.  The guests are brought on to be the circus clowns and dancing monkeys that they are and they don’t disappoint.  It’s a simple and effective formula for ratings, but at the same time, there’s a lifting of these dolts out of obscurity taking place that I try not to add to even in the most minute ways by drawing eyeballs to them outside of the show.  Freak shows are meant to be a one-off.  There’s no need for encore performances.

Given that preface, today is a sad day for me.  I’m temporarily suspending my rule of thumb to delve into John Jay College of Criminal Justice and its “professor”, Mike Isaacson.  Carlson, of course, had Isaacson on the show this past Thursday night to be used as the evening’s token whipping boy.  It took less than a minute for Carlson to ask, “Are you really a professor?” in the most justifiably condescending way possible.  I probably would have laughed more if I wasn’t in such shock over the circumstance of an anarcho-communist holding employment at one of the country’s most renowned criminal justice schools.  It’s all just so painfully ass-backwards.

Unfortunately, the Twitter posts and public stances Mike Isaacson takes while representing John Jay present a travesty worth writing about, so here I go.

Isaacson is an Antifa activist and the founder of Smash Racism D.C. in our nation’s capital.  Like every other Antifa Chapter, Smash Racism D.C. is an anarcho-communistic hammer that advocates the use of violence against not actual fascists, but against anyone who disagrees with them, period.  Case in point for this fact can be found in his very own words.  When Isaacson says “Anti-communism is code for fascist”, he’s saying anyone who disagrees with his group is fascist.  Hence, we see graffiti and signs reading “liberals get the bullet too” when this cult riots in the streets.  The saying, “When you become a hammer, everything looks like a nail”, will never ring truer.

We all know that it’s nothing new for an Antifa cult member to double as a professor and indoctrinate college students at universities across the country, but this is John Jay we’re talking about here.  Isaacson isn’t teaching at Berkeley where the mayor rubs elbows with the Antifa group, By Any Means Necessary.  Isaacson isn’t a prof at Evergreen State College where they kick white people off campus and threaten to kill the very Dr. Frankenstein-esque professors that created them in the first place.  Once again, we’re talking about John Jay College of Criminal Justice for crying out loud.  Isaacson’s employment represents the subversive Anti-American cancer of Antifa metastasizing.

The only thing distinguishing John Jay from the rest of the SJW incubators we call universities is its audacity to call itself a school of Criminal Justice.

So, how does one of the nation’s top criminal justice schools open its doors welcomingly to vampires like Isaacson?  Even worse, how does it not kick them the hell out when they publicly represent the university on Twitter with tweets like this?

Isaacson tweeted this out almost a month ago, yet he’s still given enough rope to go on one of primetime cable news’ highest rated shows and represent his employer.  As I take a deeper look into John Jay all these years later, it’s really not that surprising that they would allow this.

Aside from the list of accomplished law enforcement leaders, forensic scientists, and public figures the school boasts as notable alumni – the rest of them are a virtual who’s who amongst the State of New York’s liberal Democrat political machine.  Now I get it. Democrats don’t hold one another to the PC rulebook.  Political correctness is their weapon – and they don’t turn the gun on each other.  Why wouldn’t they ignore Isaacson’s hateful comments and let him go about his business?

Who makes the ultimate decision on this anyway? Well, John Jay’s President, Karol Mason, served the Obama Administration as Assistant Attorney General to Eric Holder.  Prior to that, she was a bigwig at a major international law firm “experienced in IP, complex litigation, corporate and tax, focusing on healthcare, financial services, and public policy.”  In other words, we’re talking about a political animal utterly oblivious to the ground-level issues facing police and society today.

Do you expect Mason to go into damage control mode and deliver some public statement about how Isaacson’s behavior fails to “represent the values of John Jay College of Criminal Justice”? Don’t hold your breath.  As a trained surrogate for the anti-police talking points of her former bosses, Mason feels no heartburn over Isaacson’s Tweets or his subversive affiliations. That I can assure you.

The fact is this.  John Jay has become a Democrat-run social justice warrior enclave for criminal justice reform and far left indoctrination no different than Berkeley, Evergreen, take your pick.  The only thing distinguishing John Jay from the rest of the SJW incubators we call universities is its audacity to call itself a school of Criminal Justice.

There’s no justice at John Jay – only propaganda.