
NRA Will Target Democrats Who Vote Against Gorsuch

By Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner:

The NRA is making their feelings known on the Democratic party’s plans to block Neil Gorsuch…

In a new threat to Senate Democratic leaders trying to harness members in opposition to the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch, the influential National Rifle Association has leveled the threat that it will make sure members know who votes for — and against — the conservative judge they’ve endorsed.

In what in Washington is called “scoring,” the NRA’s lobbying shop said that it will include the Gorsuch vote on election scorecards that members use for voter education and that the Second Amendment group uses to determine who to support and fight in elections.

In a letter to Senate leaders and provided to Secrets, Chris W. Cox, the executive directof of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, said, “The NRA has every confidence that Judge Gorsuch will protect the Second Amendment rights of law abiding gun owners and will faithfully apply the Constitution in the cases that come before him. He has our strongest support for confirmation.

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