Parents Beware of #ElsaGate, This is Not a Joke

By: - November 25, 2017

#ElsaGate refers to predators exposing children to videos featuring sexualized and graphically violent versions of popular children’s show characters, superheroes, and Disney princesses by taking advantage of the algorithms in the way they title them.

I was cooking dinner in the kitchen the other day and I heard my five-year-old singing as she walked into the room for some appetite-upsetting snacks from the pantry.  She sings all the time, which is good, because she’s a wild child and it helps her mom and I keep tabs on where she is and what she’s doing.  Anything that keeps me from having to tie bells to her shoelaces is generally a good thing—but this time was different. I didn’t like what I heard.

I was just about to tell her to get out of the pantry when my ears began to ring. “Push me to the edge, all my friends are dead,” she sang in a melodic little jingle that would have been cute if it weren’t so dark and unfitting of a thing to come out of the mouth of a Kindergartner. I turned to face her, and she repeated it. Haunting.

“Where did you hear that?” I asked, as this wacky little person stood looking back at me in front of the pantry door. “People sing that song,” she replied in a matter-of-fact way, like she knew something that I did not.  “Well don’t, it’s creepy,” I quipped, before realizing that I needed to do a better job of explaining what was wrong with those words if I wanted her to stop singing them. “Oh, and stay out of the pantry. Dinner’s almost ready.”

There is an incredibly disturbing trend occurring on YouTube Kids that is gaining millions upon millions of views, and the mainstream media isn’t reporting on it at all.

It turned out that she heard the song being sung by a kid in school. I did a Google search and saw that some talentless mumble-rapper with multi-colored dreadlocks, freaky contact lenses, and face tats galore is singing this garbage in a music video with people drowning in a bathtub and all kinds of other nonsense not worth writing about.  It made me wonder—what the hell are these kids in her school being exposed to when they get home and are left alone for hours on end? I did a little research, and what I came across made me forget about that stupid song. Something sinister is going on over at YouTube right now, and more parents need to be aware of it.

There is an incredibly disturbing trend occurring on YouTube Kids that is gaining millions upon millions of views, and the mainstream media isn’t reporting on it at all.  Even worse, Google—who owns YouTube— has let it go on since as early as 2015 without doing much about it.

It’s called #ElsaGate.  Don’t feel like you’ve let your kids down or that you’re a bad parent if you haven’t heard of it. I only stumbled onto this cesspool while perusing the “conspiracy” community message board on Reddit. A man’s got to sift through conspiracies to find out what’s really going on these days.  Ironic, isn’t it?

pedogate youtube elsagate

…Essentially, you’re with your child watching a benign Disney Frozen video.  You get up for popcorn only to return to their eyes glued to a screen with a darker imposter-Elsa who is being tortured, undressed, or having a baby…

In what is the digital equivalent of those drug- and poison-laced Halloween candy nightmare stories we hear about every October, predators are taking advantage of the YouTube Kids algorithm to slip in content ranging from questionable and odd to disgusting and vile. Here’s how they do it.

An adult usually either clicks from one video to the next as new content catches their eye or goes with the on-demand convenience of watching what they prefer by subscribing to channels and using the search bar.  Children, on the other hand, tend to select their first video and then chain-watch whatever comes on, one after the other, without picking.

If a boy is into superheroes, more superhero videos will follow the one they just watched based on how the videos are titled.  If a girl is into Disney princess content, the same applies. You get the point.

#ElsaGate refers to predators exposing children to videos featuring sexualized and graphically violent versions of popular children’s show characters, superheroes, and Disney princesses by taking advantage of the algorithms in the way they title them.

Image result for elsagate

Essentially, you’re with your child watching a benign Disney Frozen video.  You get up for popcorn only to return to their eyes glued to a screen with a darker imposter-Elsa who is being tortured, undressed, or having a baby in real life, animation, or sometimes claymation format.

A channel called Black Magic shows Spongebob contemplating suicide by drinking bleach as the words “Kill Yourself” flash on the screen. Blood and pain are reoccurring themes on these channels—but it gets a lot worse.

Take the YouTube claymation channel Toys and Funny Kids Surprise Eggs, for example. The channel features videos titled Pregnant Frozen Elsa, in which Elsa is knocked up with Spiderman’s babies.  There are other videos entitled Scorpion Bites Elsa and Hulk Operation, where a worm is removed from the clay Marvel character’s stomach.  The Elsa-Scorpion video has 42 million views and Hulk Operation has 45 million, but most parents don’t even know they exist.

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There are all kinds of videos with the characters of popular shows like Paw Patrol and Minions drinking beer and getting the bottle smashed over their heads or Mickey Mouse cutting his baby sister’s hand off with a sword. Then there’s the ToyScouter videos entitled Princess Rapunzel Got Nail Through the Foot! and Princess Rapunzel vs Nails through fingers! The two videos have over 100 million views combined.

A channel called Black Magic shows Spongebob contemplating suicide by drinking bleach as the words “Kill Yourself” flash on the screen. Blood and pain are reoccurring themes on these channels—but it gets a lot worse.

#Baby Toys channel has a video of a pregnant Elsa having a baby as Spiderman gives her injections on her stomach. Sound familiar to the claymation version I mentioned? A lot of these channels seem to copycat each other with their own versions of the same theme.  However, the #Baby Toys variety is not an animated pregnancy, and the actors are real children that look to be about 8 years old.


Other #Baby Toys videos feature a dead and rotting baby doll, all kinds of trypophobia videos where people have worms crawling out of sores on their ears and feet, and videos of girls getting urinated on by children’s characters like The Joker. Man, don’t even get me started on the thumbnail photos they use.  It’s gross, geared towards children, and generally just makes you look at it and say, “Why?”

Worse still, no one seems to be investigating the identities of the child ‘actors’ being exploited, and YouTube is too busy demonetizing or censoring politically incorrect social commentators to crack down on this filth.

People are out of their minds. You don’t have to be a cop to know that. For every bizarre thing out there, there’s an even more bizarre fan club celebrating it.  One thing cops do understand is the concept of motive.  In my opinion, the people producing these channels and videos are driven by the motive to damage and traumatize children. Worse still, no one seems to be investigating the identities of the child “actors” being exploited, and YouTube is too busy demonetizing or censoring politically incorrect social commentators to crack down on this filth.

There are far worse #ElsaGate videos out there on YouTube than the ones I posted links to in this article.  What I’ve posted is child’s play by comparison—more irony. I urge anyone reading this to go on YouTube and flag #ElsaGate videos for removal, as that is the only recourse parents really have in combating the disturbing phenomenon at this time.

I’m no psychiatrist, but I know sick when I see it.  We work hard to provide for our families, and I understand the temptation to let YouTube occupy them while we rest, relax, and recharge after spending long hours at the office—but pay attention to what your kids are being exposed to.  What you thought was Peppa Pig might be snuff.

Better yet, keep the little ones off YouTube altogether.


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