Pelosi Loses Control

By: - March 7, 2019

It’s basic demographics and was bound to happen. Nevertheless it doesn’t make it any less amusing to watch Dem Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi get so naffed off at her caucus that she told them at a meeting yesterday, “Well if you’re not going to listen to me, I’m done talking” and stomped out of the room.

Wow. Meemaw is really pissed.

The object of her ire is the group of young new socialists amongst her usual collection of corrupt liberals. Anyone who has spent time on the Hill, as have I, knows that Dem members and their staffs are just company personnel and the business is big intrusive extortionary government. For most of them ideology rarely matters one whit or another. They just want jobs where they’ll never have to do any real work as defined by most of America.

However, now enter into that scenario the most sniveling anti-U.S. leftists since the Vietnam War. Combine that with their simultaneously silly and grotesque beliefs (that they get some exalted status because of their gender, ethnicity, or color) that are confirmed by pop culture and you have more than several Dem House members so full of themselves that these freshmen feel completely comfortable in challenging the Speaker of the House.

And Pelosi? She’s a victim of a monster of her own making.

She got them elected by raising the money that allowed them to ascend to office. As she is only really corrupt and not a raving socialist wack job, the raw cold ideological fervor of the new kids must confuse her. She wants them to play along like good freshmen. In response they would gradually be granted the perks that make the job easy and lucrative. But, noooooooo. The new Bolshies just won’t get with the program.

This specific brouhaha is over the watered-down resolution that was supposed to condemn llhan Omar. Instead, with the input hilariously of Omar herself, it has become a grab bag of leftist clichés and platitudes punctuated with the usual absurd pieties of the modern left. It ignores Omar’s specific statements. Pelosi’s deputy, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, is a big fan of AIPAC. This must really frost him.

That’s not the resolution that Nancy wanted, knowing full well the now testosterone-light squawk will give lots of ammo to the GOP next year. Omar’s presence on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, especially after Republican loon Steve King was stripped of all his committee assignments by the Republican leadership after going publicly haha months ago, will only add to the GOP embarrassment of riches in this regard.

The freshmen commies don’t care though. They’re focused on their narcissistic mischief of the moment and the Speaker just has to take it.

Shoulda been more careful in what you wished for, eh Nancy?


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