
Race Hustler Jussie Smollett Gets Points on Back End

Pity young Jussie Smollett. In a move that should be so easy to do in today’s America, stage a fake MAGA attack and blame whitey, he made a right proper cock-up of it. This should have been child’s play. If done correctly, the press will rip their own heads off in righteous indignation, Dem presidential candidates will shed tears and vow justice, and guilty white liberals from sea to shining sea will tut-tut, pat themselves on the back and declare to all and sundry what good people they are for being so woke. Jussie even had the fictitious attackers using the N word for good measure, in case anyone missed the racist/Trump tie-in. Ah, vertical integration.

But Jussie, not only working under the handicap of having a silly Christian name, hired the fake white guys from a Nigerian temp agency and then went on to practice the worst operational security since the Japanese at the Battle of Midway.

Various media sources are reporting that the fake beaters are now cooperating with the Chicago police and are alleging Smollett put them up to it. As such the new info has “shifted the trajectory of the investigation.” Yup, Jussie is not looking at a good very immediate future.

Don’t worry for the lad, though. Facts don’t matter in modern America when it comes to race. He will possibly be proven a liar and may face criminal charges. However, the usual suspects will ignore the evidence and claim any punishment he faces for his lies are just more proof of racist America under Trump. Jussie will continue to claim innocence, much like Al Sharpton over Tawana Brawley.

In the end his goal of massive name recognition will be met and agents and producers will put him in future projects just to show how they stand up to racism. And it’ll all be a lie.

Well played, young man. Well played.