
Remember When SNL was Funny, Not Only Left-Wing?

Okay, I’m dating myself here, which is against the law in some states, but I was a fan of Saturday Night Live in the 80s and 90s. Yes, I know that makes me ancient.

The reason we bring this up is that, of all people, Meghan McCain well held aloft the banner of logical clarity in a spot two days ago with SNL alum Seth Meyers. He did his usual trite anti-Trump shtick and then tried to go after McCain on Rep. Ilhan Omar. Meghan was having none of it.

Now, those of us past immediate adolescence know that SNL is rarely funny anymore. Oh, they have their moments. But the creative talent there takes a back seat (blatant plug) to One America News Network‘s writers of “Headlines Tonight with Drew Berquist.” 

Yes, some of it is that humor has moved on since our relative youth. However, most of it is that indoctrination is usually not very amusing. And the last several years, all SNL has done is parrot the hard-left line by leaving the Bolshies alone and making a tedious attempt at humor at the expense of the president and the Republicans. Of course, it’s not so much the politics, they have been politically satirical before. But it’s just that they have sacrificed comedy for ideological purity and thus are about as funny as an East German Communist Party confab circa 1965. Before that laugh riot Erich Honecker took over.

Back to Meyers and Meghan.

So Meyers extols the virtues of Rep. Omar. He is of that cosmopolitan variety of city dweller who thinks that the more you debase yourself in front of people who want to kill you, the more enlightened you are. Yes, the pathological masochism is strong in this one. SNL prepared him for this by its double political standard. Trump, Bush, etc. are fair game. Though the scandal-ridden Obama administration, not to mention Hillary’s corrupt doings, were not to be spoken of.

Such artistic courage.

Meghan gave as well as she got and showed Meyers for the weak slithering milquetoast that he is. She nailed him on Omar’s rabid anti-Semitism and, bully for her, asked if Meyers was Omar’s “publicist.”

So, one for our side and it makes the airhead left like Meyers, not a bright lad at all, have a second thought before spewing their sadness and surrender in front of somebody who knows better.

As for Meghan? A surprisingly strong performance. But then, past controversies aside, maybe not that surprising after all.