Robert Mueller Indictments Stir Russia Collusion Saga

By: - October 28, 2017

“The timing, and that Robert Mueller sat on Uranium One deal details when he was officially responsible for dealing with it, is surely eyebrow-raising.”

Sealed by a federal judge until Monday, October 30, 2017 are indictments solicited by “special counsel” Robert Swan Mueller III and approved by a federal grand jury. Often criticized as a highly biased, interest-conflicted investigator, former FBI director Mueller spearheaded an investigation regarding persistently traction-less Trump/Russia collusion allegations.

On October 27, 2017 Mueller’s filing of information (charges) lit up media screens. Ironically, the revelation occurred on the same day that Hillary Clinton celebrated her 70th year of life. The Mueller-fueled news also sparred with the nuclear-potent Uranium One blast of corruption involving The Clinton Foundation, Barack Obama, the FBI, and a smorgasbord of complicit cronies camped in Left field.

With recent reports delineating concrete evidence of collusion involving figures in Russia and the aforementioned individuals, former FBI agents and informants are now prepared to testify to what they know about that pin-pulled grenade which especially enriched The Clinton Foundation.

The timing, and that Robert Mueller sat on Uranium One deal details when he was officially responsible for dealing with it, is surely eyebrow-raising.


Given the timing, many are calling Mueller’s indictments handed down by a grand jury “a distraction” from the specter of the Uranium One deal. As Hillary Clinton continues to whine and render excuses as to why she lost the 2016 presidential election, I can see her piggybacking on the indictments secured by Mueller as a “See, I told ya’ so!” platform, regardless of who is named in the sealed indictments.

Media started rambling (publishing) that publication of who is being charged “can come as early as Monday.” Is it a strategy to let those in the crock pot stew over the weekend? See whose conscience bothers them enough to fall out of the closet, to come forward and perhaps unloose some graphic information in the hopes of saving face and avoiding prison? Nothing uncommon there. Similar, is Mueller simply shaking the tree by announcing lower-tier complicity so as to unnerve targets in the higher rungs?

No matter what side of the political party coin one values, a grand jury concurring with his assessment does not mean guilt is assured.

Mr. Mueller already purports to have enough on someone. No matter what side of the political party coin one values, a grand jury concurring with his assessment does not mean guilt is assured. It simply means there is a sufficient degree of tangible evidence that criminal offenses may have been committed. Although some jump on the pronouncement of an indictment with “A-ha…gotcha!” responses, our “innocent until proven guilty” principles still apply in all cases.

Mud on his Shoes?

Albeit Republican, Mueller finished his civil service career under the tutelage of then-President Obama after working as FBI director under George W. Bush. The “special counsel” appointee has been under the microscope as well, with many Republicans calling for his ouster based on bias and too-close attachments to the former administration led by Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Official “Appointment of Special Counsel” affidavit filed and endorsed by then-Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, authorizing the Russian interference investigation. (Credit: Facebook/Robert Mueller)

Note the section which states “(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.” That is a ton of leeway and authority without a checks-and-balances clause.

Fox News Sean Hannity reported the “conflict of interest” assertions  regarding Robert Mueller piloting this investigation which President Trump often calls a “witch hunt.”

“Hannity said Mueller, who was FBI director at the time, led a bureau that ‘clearly had the information’ that called into question whether illicit or unethical activity was involved in the arrangement”

“Hannity said Mueller, who was FBI director at the time, led a bureau that ‘clearly had the information’ that called into question whether illicit or unethical activity was involved in the arrangement,” Fox News reported. OpsLens  recently reported on US Congress and US Senate committees’ latest interests in the Uranium One deal as it relates to Robert Mueller and his protégé, now-former FBI director James Comey, with glaring implications spelling-out scandalous political undercurrents.

As Robert Mueller coined, “Perimeter defense may not matter if the enemy is inside the gates.”  That implies foes are hiding in plain sight, perhaps promoting a book. Maybe even blowing out candles on a cake. That also means a mirror to the Left could show the image of a wicked witch. I wonder if a birthday celebrant perspired yesterday.

Where do you see this “witch hunt” going? Any beliefs as to who is listed in the indictment? Is the stink assaulting your nostrils too?


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