
Second Amendment Supporters – Scammers Are Out to Steal Your Money

“But what is upsetting to me, a real grassroots believer and supporter of gun rights, is that people are being misled and spending their hard earned money on this organization.”

The NRA-ILA (Institute for Legislative Action) recently notified its members of an ongoing scam that put them and their money at risk.

It is hard enough to fight for your gun rights, it can even be expensive. Law filings cost money and lobbying costs money. But who should you, the lawful, firearms carrying citizen give your hard earned money to? Who can you trust to put your money to good use?

Well, I am a life member of my State of Florida’s grassroots organization “Florida Carry Inc.” I see them trying to change things for Florida’s 1.8 million concealed carry license holders, as well as all other Floridians who believe in the rights of the people to “keep and bear arms.” There are other fantastic state groups, like Texas Open Carry, who were instrumental in getting the open carry of firearms passed in Texas. And of course the NRA, who is nationally known and does a lot of work to ensure American’s have gun rights.

So who do I give my money to? Who can you trust? Well, I have researched and agree with the NRA-ILA on this point: FLGR (Florida Gun Rights), and it’s other state-level divisions of the NAGR (National Association for Gun Rights) are nothing more than a money-making organization. Being heavily involved in gun rights at a state level, I have yet to see a single representative of FLGR at a single meeting of the State Legislator. FLGR claims to be a non-profit 501(c)(4) nonpartisan grassroots organization. But a little investigation shows, they are not anything of the sort — they are a registered LLC in Florida.

They claim to be the fastest growing gun rights group in the nation, but when you ask how many members they have in Florida, you get no answers. The head of NGAR makes more than $94,000 a year, and yet their offices in Florida are a post office box!

Marion Hammer, the NRA’s lobbyist in Florida and a bulldog for gun rights, wrote in an email to the members of the NRA in Florida the following warning;

“Further, FLGR has no registered lobbyist in Florida, which means either it’s not lobbying, or that it is lobbying illegally.

In short, FLGR is nothing but a fundraising organization that (except for some paperwork formalities) has no presence in Florida except for a shell game of addresses for service of legal documents and to rake in contributions.

It is clearly just another name for the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) a primarily Internet run organization based in Colorado with mail drop boxes around the country to receive contributions.

Since FLGR doesn’t do anything NAGR couldn’t do on its own, it has no apparent purpose except to double-dip the wallets of well-meaning gun owners who haven’t looked beyond the group’s name and rhetoric.

FLGR’s email claims they are a non-profit, nonpartisan, single-purpose organization. FLGR is not incorporated as a nonprofit Florida corporation. FLGR is registered as Florida LLC (normally a small for-profit business). Their single purpose seems to be conning you (regardless of your political party) into sending them money.

Their messages are misleading rhetoric designed to inflame. There is no “neighborhood shooting range” bill to stop. Yet, FLGR continues to email Florida Gun Owners raising money on a nonexistent bill.

“You are being deceived. It’s time you knew it.”

That is pretty strong language from the NRA. But what is upsetting to me, a real grassroots believer and supporter of gun rights, is that people are being misled and spending their hard earned money on this organization. They’re getting nothing at all in return aside from emails and false claims.

So to all of the readers of this piece, I say this: research any group before you send them money. And secondly, if you want to help out a group who works for your gun rights, look at the groups in your state that are trying to do good things and make local advancements. Here in Florida, we have Florida Carry Inc. (I must disclose I am a former Board Member of this group, a volunteer, unpaid position) who truly are trying to advance Florida’s gun rights.

To my fellow lawful carrying, self-defense rights believing citizens, research before you open your pocket book and give your hard-earned money to any group. Look for past accomplishments and ask others you trust about what they know regarding the group. Please do not feed the trolls or those who are in it for the money.

Many of us work for nothing to support and stand up for your rights!