Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media, the story is now out about Californian Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein employing a Chinese spy on her personal staff for close to two decades. This breach of security was still ongoing during Senator Feinstein’s tenure as the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, during which she was sending the ChiCom spy to the Chinese Consulate to represent her officially at events and meetings with Chinese government officials.
It isn’t as if this isn’t the first time the media has glossed over Feinstein’s actions. There have been multiple accusations against Feinstein regarding her actions that have resulted in her husband’s company making billions from government contracts. Ironically, Feinstein has long been a staunch supporter of the NSA, but a vocal opponent of the CIA. In short, she has championed spying on American citizens through the Patriot Act, demonized using the same surveillance on foreign governments, sponsored bills that would criminalize American citizens utilizing strong encryption, and maligned the agency whose job it is to identify spies such as the one Feinstein employed for almost twenty years. With this sort of track record, is it really out of line to question where Diane’s loyalties lie?