
For Social Justice Warriors, Every Day is Worse than the Last

Have you ever seen the movie Office Space? One of the film’s first scenes has cubicle dweller, Peter Gibbons, visiting a hypnotherapist to help him get out of the desperate rut he’s found himself in. The IT guy is so fed-up with his life as an IT guy at a software company, he tells the hypnotist, “I was sitting in my cubicle today and I realized … ever since I started working … every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day you see me, that’s been the worst day of my life.”

The hypnotherapist responds, “What about today? Is today the worst day of your life?” Peter desperately replies, “Yeah …” Unable to control himself, the hypnotherapist blurts out, “God that’s messed up … I’m sorry …”

Sound familiar? This scene is so symbolic of the times we’re living in. Peter Gibbons is everywhere!

Peter Gibbons can be found in the shoes of every social justice warrior (SJW) out there. With each passing day, these walking open wounds are getting more and more outraged over increasingly trivial events. CNN, always ready and willing to profit off a sucker, wants the world to know that sexism isn’t just a social problem. That’s right. Hurricanes are sexist now too! Yesterday was terrible because people lost their loved ones, their homes, their pets, and everything they held dear – but today’s your worst day because sexism tricked us all into not preparing for mother nature’s wrath in the first place. Have a nice “worst day of your life” SJW’s. Check back with CNN tomorrow for more outrage!

If you’re at all worried that tomorrow can’t be worse than today, just live a lie. Recite “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” even though it never happened.

Peter Gibbons can be found wearing every Antifa or Black Lives Matter tee shirt burning down a building or looting Jordan’s while screaming “F- The Police!” If your life sucked yesterday because you live in an area where people are getting robbed, mugged, accosted, shot, and otherwise threatened routinely – you should burn your neighborhoods down when a police officer uses deadly force against one of the criminals perpetrating those acts to protect his or her own life. If you don’t self-sabotage, you might otherwise wake up and have a better day tomorrow. Heaven forbid that.

If you’re at all worried that tomorrow can’t be worse than today, just live a lie. Recite “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” even though it never happened. Blame white cops, not the Hispanic civilian, or better yet – Trayvon Martin’s own actions – for his death. Continue to ignore statistics on Officer Involved Shootings that disprove your racist cops narrative. Even when there’s no race card to be played, set a Georgia Tech Police SUV on fire when a white female cop shoots a white guy who called 911 on himself and walks towards her with a knife yelling, “shoot me!” There’s always more room for more outrage so long as you use that imagination God gave you.

Peter Gibbons is the new star, starlet, producer, director, and socialite occupying Hollywood – each day waking up with such an overwhelming sense of bitterness to the point where he can no longer refrain from commenting on how evil, racist, and orange Donald Trump is as if the hack-joke is still original. A celebrity hurricane relief telethon couldn’t just be about helping those families experiencing loss of life, limb, and everything they owned for Beyonce. No, she stayed laser-focused on “racism in this country” and how the storms were the only way things could have possibly gotten any worse for minorities in America.

Proving one can be both clever and obtuse simultaneously, Stevie Wonder took a moment in the spotlight to insult anyone who doesn’t declare manmade global warming directly responsible for the storms as being “either blind or unintelligent.” Streisand “bravely” piled on. Then there was Di Caprio stepping off of his carbon spewing private jet to finger-wag the public on reducing their carbon footprint as if he and his colleagues didn’t walk an air-conditioned red carpet into the Emmy’s for the first time ever this year. These are the self-righteous double-dealers calling you a blind idiot if you don’t trade in your truck for a Prius or cheer on carbon-taxes for the middle class.

I’ve got more to say about these Peter Gibbons clones at the Emmy’s this year. Awards shows are supposed to be a night where Hollywood types can shower each other with copious amounts of praise and bask in their own self-aggrandizing glory – and that’s fine. That’s capitalism friends. If people want to watch it then I say fair play. Keep the circle-jerk alive, Hollywood – but here’s the thing. This was the lowest rated Emmy Awards ever, and I wonder why. Maybe it’s because you guys decided to dedicate the evening to belly-aching about Trump yet again. From the host’s opening monologue to the acceptance speeches and everything in between, you just couldn’t take a break from being miserable haters. You proved that not even Peter Gibbons’ birthday is safe from being the new worst day of his life. You kicked out half of the people you invited for cake and gifts because you didn’t get the gift you wanted last November.

The mainstream media, Hollywood, the NFL – they are all in need of a Peter Gibbons-esque hypnotherapy session. The only thing they’re losing faster than their grip on reality is their power to convert others into believing their nonsense – and they’re doubling down.

Listen bozos. The people you condescendingly accuse of being too “uneducated” to know right from wrong – the middle-America Trump supporters – are the same people who used to keep your Hollywood machine greased by reading rags like People Magazine, watching pixilated dog vomit like The Entertainment Channel, and spending their hard-earned cash on going to your movie premieres instead of actually getting educated. Along with the corrupt politicians suckling at the teats of divisive media empires and corporations, you bear the blame for leading these folks to each and every one of their various red-pill moments in which they woke up and started prioritizing their dollars and precious time towards what messaging was good for them over what was poisonous. As a result, more people will read about how few people watched you moan during your awards show than the number of people who actually tuned into to watching it.

Peter Gibbons wears the cleats of every NFL player from Michael Bennett to Colin Kaepernick and every pro-athlete wannabe celebrity-activist in between. When you’re too dense to act right during a massive police response to reports of an active-shooter in a busy casino, cry racism against the two Hispanic cops who detained you for making yourself look like a suspect. When you’re paid millions to play a kid’s game in a league dominated by people of your own race, pull the race card every time something doesn’t go your way. I’m still waiting to find out if the reason I’m not an NBA player is because of my whiteness or because I’m too short. Where are all the 5’8’’ white guys in the NBA? I want justice for this discrimination. This is how ridiculous you dopes are coming across and it’s why the NFL and ESPN are tanking alongside Hollywood.

The mainstream media, Hollywood, the NFL – they are all in need of a Peter Gibbons-esque hypnotherapy session. The only thing they’re losing faster than their grip on reality is their power to convert others into believing their nonsense – and they’re doubling down. People have had more than their fill of pompous groupthinkers patting each other on the back for espousing endless SJW propaganda. For any real-life Peter Gibbons unwilling to seek therapy, tomorrow will be worse for you than today because it has to be. That is how downward spirals into oblivion work. You’re slowly committing suicide and eventually, you’ll succeed.

The good news is that the rest of us still have hope for many of you. After all, what’s a more likely to happen long term – smart people dumbing down or stupid people smartening up? I’m no Peter Gibbons. I’m an optimist. I’ll go with the latter.