Sons of Anarchy Actor’s Twitter Rant Reveals Frustration and Disillusionment With Country

By: - May 17, 2018

The hypocrisy of people always amazes me. Politics is probably one of the greatest examples of this and seems to really bring out the stubbornness and arrogance of our nation. Additionally, it seems that it is the democrats/liberals who throw the biggest tantrums about their political beliefs. I believe that the word tantrum is the only one that truly encompasses their actions. defines a tantrum as “an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child.” It is typically a child because a tantrum is based not upon objective thought and rationalization, but instead solely upon emotional desires and wants. Due to the immaturity and ignorance of the world, the child can only see their immediate yearnings and is not capable of discerning the differences between want and need or fair and equitable.

Hollywood stars are very similar to these young children. They are catered to and fawned over so much that they begin to think of themselves as having a higher level of reasoning. They begin to believe that their moral compass always points in a direction of righteousness and therefore they have a difficult time understanding how others can differ from their opinion. It is funny in a way, as it very much mirrors the effects that many people suffer from extremely violent trauma.

When we were attacked by jihadists on 9/11, many Americans simply could not fathom that actual people could harbor so much hate. In order to protect their own fragile psyche, these people fabricated elaborate conspiracy theories in order to take the blame away from a person and instead place it onto an unnamed shadow government agency, devoid of any semblance of humanity. This must be what it is like to be a fanatic.

So, when I read about actor Ron Perlman’s tweets about the direction of our nation, all of this really hit home. Let’s be sure that we frame this in the correct context as well. Perlman is most readily recognized by his role in Sons of Anarchy. In this role, he played the leader of an outlaw biker gang who dealt in the sale of illegal firearms and was at its core foundation misogynistic and racist. The fact that blacks were not allowed to be part of the club became a major sub-plot in the show for more than a season. With that being said, let us look at his words of wisdom!

“I gotta tell ya, after 18 months ‘o this s***, i’m pretty sick and tired. Sick and tired of people in high places taking a s*** on law & order. Sick and tired of taking a s*** on the memory of hundreds of thousands of American men and women who died stamping out Nazism…Sick and tired of s***ting on the memory of men and women about their heads Bashed in on southern bridges, hoses and dogs turned on them, batons turned on them so that we begin to act civilly toward one another among all the races…Sick and tired of cronyism. Sick and tired of corruption. Sick and tired of Pius people not knowing the difference between decency and rape. Sick and tired of people who call themselves patriots not having the foggiest idea of how a democracy should function…But most of all, I am sick and tired of being a voice in the wilderness; abandoned by our so-called guardians of the constitution who sit by and watch it all burn. Who display cowardice in the face of assault, knowing that all that is sacred is being burned and still do nothing…I didn’t know how desperate we are to all hold onto our tribalism. I didn’t know how easily we could be divided from one another. I didn’t know how much hatred truly existed in the nation that I came to love and believe in.”

So many places to go from here. Before I begin, I want to add one final quote from Perlman about his politics: “I am a lifelong Democrat. Because I believe that when Government is at its best, it is meant to help the average Joe.” That quote is the crux of why everything else he said is so ridiculous. Perlman rages against those who are attacking the Constitution while at the same time he calls for the abolishment of it. Perlman, like so many others on the left, is woefully ignorant of what the Constitution states, and while I completely agree with the statement he made, he is simply wrong in his intended application. The government is not supposed to help anyone. That is not the role of government. In order for it to do so, it must erode the very freedoms that our nation is founded on. Everything about Perlman’s rant exemplifies this.

He is throwing a fit because his side lost the election and instead of rationally discussing his frustrations, he calls those who disagree with him racists, rapists, and traitors to our nation. I agree that Nazism is disgusting, and so is all other forms of racism. My only assumption is that he is alluding to the left’s call that Trump is the secret leader of the Ku Klux Klan. This makes sense given the current jobless rate within the black community under his administration, right?

I agree also with being sick and tired of corruption. Let’s go after both sides equally. I called for that over a year ago. Equality in investigating the president and Hillary Clinton, but I am pretty sure that is not exactly what he means. My favorite, however, is the attack on those running the government. His belief is that because the Republicans are in charge, they are destroying the Constitution. While I partially agree with him once again, I am sure it is not in the same way he believes.

Deregulation is what the Constitution calls for: the freedom of people to do what they will with their lives. Government control (laws and regulations) are only a last resort to be used to ensure the protection of freedoms.

Perlman and others need to understand that just because they don’t like that half the country disagrees with them doesn’t make that half wrong. I would even say the reciprocal is true. I disagree with the totality of the left but also understand its need to exist and keep people like me in check as well.

I understand his frustration and disillusionment. But from that understanding comes the awareness that there needs to be thoughtful discussion, not baseless accusations. His tirade, and those from all extremists, only enables people to shut down the voices from the other side as worthless and without substance. Even Bill Maher, who is as liberal as they come, agrees with this. He recently attacked the left for its over-sensitivity and whininess. While I disagreed with much of his rant, he was very direct in assailing the sensitivity of liberalism. “Democrats have gone from the party that protects people to the party that protects feelings.”

Absolutely, Mr. Maher. Feelings cannot be protected because no matter who you are or what you say, someone will always be offended by something. Perlman would do well to understand this. Rants and tantrums about how you lost do nothing to engage any useful conversation but only make you look ignorant and weak.


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