Springtime for Merkel

By: - June 19, 2018

Unlike the catchy little tune referenced in the title of this piece, a song written for a past German Chancellor, this vernal ditty does not bode successful tidings for its subject.

As I put finger to keyboard Angela is in the parliamentary fight of her life, as a conservative governing partner of her Grand Coalition is threatening to abandon the government over Merkel’s insane immigration policy. A policy that partner, the Bavarian CSU party, rightly sees as a slow suicide of the moderate consensus that has governed the country since the tragedy of the Second World War.

For Bavaria, in the south, is the entry point of the over one million mainly Middle Eastern and African immigrants who have entered Germany in the Chancellor’s misguided attempt to atone for the Hun’s WWII murder of millions, including over six million Jews, by bringing into Germany many who would, well, kill more Jews.

If the CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union) pulls out of the government, taking with it its 46 votes, the government could fall and a new round of endless negotiations could begin involving Merkel’s Christian Democrats Union (CDU), the CSU, the moderately conservative Free Democrats Party (FDP), Grand Coalition main partners the leftist Social democratic Party (SPD), the Greens, the anti-immigration Alternative for Deutschland (AFD), and the sclerotic Bolshies of The Left Party. Rumored also to be in the party mix are the Greater Sheboygan Rotary Club and the Downtown Mogadishu Community Theater.

Putting aside for the moment whether anything could erase the blot WWII put on the German historical copybook, though over forty years of Cold War alliance (at least when their entire Chancellor’s office wasn’t completely infiltrated with East German spies) should count, her first priority should be the financial and public safety well-being of the German people. A glance at Deutsches headlines over the last couple of years can tell you how well her immigration policy is achieving that goal.

This was not the case when I was a young US Army intelligence analyst in Germany over thirty years ago, keeping tabs on various aspects of German political and national security issues for US senior officers. Nor was it extant several years later when I was a college student in Germany, taught by German instructors in government and history and reveling in the geopolitical common sense of Talleyrand, Hans Morgenthau and realpolitik.

However, time and folly march on. And it’s not only the CSU who has had enough. The Austrians, the Hungarians, the Poles, even now the new Italian government sides with Bavaria (what an 18th century sentence that is) and says no more to Eurabia.

January 2018: “During his visit to the CSU in Seeon, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán defended his country’s refugee policy. He said: ‘Europeans have a clear will, one could say, the will of the people is clear: they do not want to live under terrorism, they want there to be security, they want the borders to be protected’. That had no reason to live here should be consistently returned.”(Credit: Facebook/CSU Christlich-Soziale Union)

The French, as usual, are playing a cynical double game by making big pro-immigration noises and refusing to let in very many from sunnier climes, aside from Monaco. The new Spanish socialist government, apparently hoping for a Reconquista in reverse, are flinging the doors wide open. I doubt my flinty sea-going ancestors in Asturias are much amused.

What madness has taken hold of the Boche and the Dons?

The same multiculty indoctrination that has been spewed from academia and the pop culture for fifty years, that Western culture, from Abraham, to Athens, to Rome, to Locke, to the United States and all points adjoining are hopelessly racist, corrupt, and needing saving by the glories of that we used to call The Third World.

That is, of course, because the aged Bandung Generation has built prosperous and free regimes as monuments to human liberty and excellence around the world since they emerged from their colonial cocoons fifty years ago, eh?

Uh-huh, right. What are the likely scenarios?

Jamaica Hold:  The status quo. Merkel talks the CSU down from the limb and the U-Boat of State puffs awkwardly along until the crescent flies over the Brandenburg Gate. Upside? Gives a whole new meaning to schadenfreude for the rest of Europe.

Kyffhauser Rising: The coalition falls. Merkel resigns. New elections. In a wave of intelligent populism, the Bolshies get trounced and a new majority coalition of a more conservative CDU, the CSU and FDP reinvigorates tired old Berlin. The AFD does not get into government. However, seeing sensible immigration policy from the ruling coalition, they disband and integrate into the government under other parties.

Eugen Levine, Call your Office: The coalition falls. New elections. Because one totalitarian government in the space of one hundred years isn’t enough, the Red parties led by the SPD with the Greens and The Left Party in their wake storm (trooper) into a government majority, invite all and sundry to settle in Germany and make quick work of freedom on their road to Venezuela.

What is the effect on the United States and the Transatlantic Alliance?

If stasis rules then expect more of the same with Merkel going only just so far in irritating Trump, lest he pull out the big guns in security assistance and trade. She’ll distribute more whiny summit communiques about “United Europe” and “disappointment with the current American government.” And all the while the German press will continue to vilify Trump while little by little they furtively, grudgingly, learn the Koran.

(Credit: Facebook/The President Obama Coalition)

Alarmist? Just plain silly? So where did the Grand Mufti end up sitting out ze var? Oh yeah, Berlin.

An actual conservative government would be a good NATO ally, side with the US president on some issues including immigration, naturally guard their national interest on others like trade, and be much less a hectoring passive- aggressive pain in the neck gorgon as Angela is now.

Cincinnati takes the pennant? All bets are off. At least a trade war, while the US leftist press wets its collective pants with glee over the ascendant Bolshies. NATO endangered from within. Also a phased repositioning of US bases to the East. Which actually isn’t such a bad thing.

The Jerries have a lot of options open to them. But staying the present course may be the most dangerous of them.

An out of touch Berlin further enraging the citizenry with masochistic immigration policies, thus giving more ammo to the AFD, serves no one but The God of Chaos any good. The fall of the coalition can be a clean sweep of the sinecurist Merkel government and the revival of Germany understanding her place in the West and the debt she owes to freedom itself.

It’s something Mel Brooks parodied in his brilliant comedy with the seasonal dedication to another German chieftain.

But these days, the subject is deadly serious.


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