“Hezbollah, an indispensable ally to the world’s most notorious cartels, an existential threat to the U.S. national security, and an entity that combines radical terrorism with narco-terrorism.” U.S. national security …
South America
A few short years ago, the administration, one that had at least some of the same people in it, never grasped the seriousness of the radical Islamic threat known as …
Venezuela’s (former?) President Nicolás Maduro cut off diplomatic relations with the United States after the Trump administration recognized Juan Guaidó as the new president. Guaidó declared himself interim president on Wednesday and was …
After decades of experimenting with communism, socialism, dirigisme, etc., Latin America is starting to rebel against the collectivist norm and assert the importance of freedom and the individual. And it …
One of the main themes of the president’s 2016 campaign, and a vital issue still, is illegal immigration. Whether this nation is merely a residence or a true home to …