“It is simply mind blowing the arrogance of these individuals. For everything that they are, stupid is not one of their traits; therefore, they must be living in a world of such elitism that they truly view themselves as a wholly separate and entitled evolved species.”
I don’t know about most people, but I love the idea of karma. I cannot stand it when others mention of fate, but karma is a different story completely. Karma, to me, is the idea that you reap what you sow in this world. I believe that this is generally true. Most people who are good have good things happen to them. They surround themselves with positive people, and do their best to do right by their fellow man. This in turns spurs on others to reciprocate these actions. I believe in the inverse of this as well. Most people who manipulate and take advantage of others will eventually get what is coming to them in the end.
Five months ago I wrote an article in which I spoke about the need for an independent investigator to look into the allegations of Russian collusion (as a side note I am going to start an online petition to officially remove the word collusion from the English language due to overuse at the start of next year). I believe in the truth above any party affiliation and I want an equal and fair field.
This is important because if my team cheats, then what is to stop your team from cheating? At the end of the day, there is simply way too much power centralized in Washington for me to want to trust either side with being able to get away with that (and yes, I am well aware that is exactly how our government operates, I am just an idealist who believes it should not be that way).
In fact, I would go so far as to label many of them political cowards who lack the moral courage to faithfully discharge their oath in protecting the Constitution of the United States.
At the time I wrote,
“For the sake of truth, honesty, and openness there is simply no other choice than having an independent probe. As a conservative I believe in the absoluteness of integrity within our government. Therefore, if there was a collusion between anyone within the Trump administration and Russia then there should be swift and harsh punishments. This is not about ideology, it is about the law.”
I stand by those words still to this day. However, I also stated at the time that if we are going to open an investigation into Trump, then we must, for the sake of honesty, open one up into the actions of Hillary and the rest of the Obama White House for a multitude of questionable actions.
At the time, I had very low expectations of this occurring. It is an unfortunate truth that Republicans tend to be much less vocal in their outrage towards the activities of the left, even when those activities reek of illegal dealings. In fact, I would go so far as to label many of them political cowards who lack the moral courage to faithfully discharge their oath in protecting the Constitution of the United States.
While many of us have believed that the Clinton’s, and for that matter the DNC at large, are virtual criminal empires, it is beginning to appear as if this is more than a conspiracy theory.
With all of that being said, I cannot begin to describe my extreme bliss at what is beginning to come about from the investigation into Trump. In the most amazing display of cosmic irony it is beginning to look as if we may actually have some justice in our government. How is that ironic? That is because the evidence of wrongdoing is beginning to point directly at those who were screaming the loudest for the investigation in the first place.
As more information is uncovered, the true moral degradation of the left is showing itself. While many of us have believed that the Clinton’s, and for that matter the DNC at large, are virtual criminal empires, it is beginning to appear as if this is more than a conspiracy theory. From Pay to Play accusations revolving around Uranium One to the DNC itself paying for the fictional Trump/Russian story, we are now being informed daily on more and more damaging evidence against the left.
It is simply mind blowing the arrogance of these individuals. For everything that they are, stupid is not one of their traits; therefore, they must be living in a world of such elitism that they truly view themselves as a wholly separate and entitled evolved species.
If found true, this could be the biggest political scandal ever uncovered in our country. Look at what happened with Watergate. In that case the guilty party broke into the DNC to get dirt on their political adversaries. In the end, the Nixon administration was devastated, with more than a few administration officials found guilty of abusing their power and committing illegal acts. As bad as that was (and I believe whole heartedly that all those involved should have been punished to the most extreme levels possible as a clear message to all of those that may want to turn against the ideals of the Constitution in order to gain political power), they did not use knowingly false information which was created to destroy a political foe to start an investigation by the FBI.
The ramifications of this exposure should terrify everyone, regardless of their political views.
As more information is released about the DNCs relationship with Fusion GPS and the ramifications stemming from that relationship, we are taken further into a murky quagmire of partisan putridness that seems to have left its slime on the entirety of our government, to include the intelligence and law enforcement branches.
For example, is it true that the FBI relied entirely on this report to begin the investigation into Trump and his campaign? If so, shouldn’t they have vetted the information and background of the report? What about the intelligence apparatus of our nation? Was this the nexus for unmasking our citizens?
The ramifications of this exposure should terrify everyone, regardless of their political views. If a party can do this to a then-candidate and now sitting President of the United States, what can they do to normal everyday citizens? Who is supposed to ensure that this sort of abuse does not happen? In theory that sacred honor falls to the media.
Yet how much are they reporting on these stories? As little as possible so they don’t damage the party they idolize. When the media, an organization so important that the founding fathers immortalized their power in the first Amendment to the Constitution, turns it back on the truth and swears allegiance to a party, they cease to exist in any meaningful or useful facet in our society.
Yet even a government and media which is motivated through a twisted sense of moral values, and possibly fiscal ones as well, to keep the truth from us, there may simply be no way to hold back the tidal wave of evidence that is being uncovered. The only question is, does the Republican party have the ability to overcome its own trepidation and take on the DNC in what is unquestionably going to be a fight of epic proportions?
Luckily the man currently sitting in the Oval Office is not someone who shies away from a fight. In fact, he seems to be drawn into them whether an actual issue exists or not. Given that it was his reputation that was tarnished he very well may not be too inclined to let this episode simply fade away.