“Ironically, the author of the anti-American bill is a student who recently became a naturalized citizen.”
By Todd Starnes:
Students at the University of California Davis proved you don’t need a Bic lighter to desecrate Old Glory — you just need a majority vote.
The UC Davis Student Senate passed legislation revoking a long-standing rule that required the American flag “stand visibly” at every senate meeting.
“It shall not be compulsory for the flag of the United State (sic) of America to be displayed at the ASUCD Senate meetings,” the new legislation declares.
Ironically, the author of the anti-American bill is a student who recently became a naturalized citizen.
“The concept of the United States of America and patriotism is different for every individual,” Itmar Waksman told the CBS news affiliate in Sacramento.
Under the new rules, any senator who wants to display Old Glory must file a petition.
“It will then be at the discretion of the Senate Pro Tempore whether to approve, reject or set the decision to a vote of the Senate,” the bill reads.
Sadly, there are plenty of young people at UC Davis who share Mr. Waksman’s sick and twisted ideology. One student explained her rage against the flag in a Facebook post:
“Why do you feel that advocating for the U.S. flag that represents a history of genocide, slavery, and imperialism is more important than stuff that actually matters like I don’t know, the violence against our LGBTQ Brown and Black students, rising tuition, resources for our students without homes,” she fumed. “What a waste of time.”
A waste of time?
Try telling that to the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces – who put their lives on the line every day so that perpetually offended snowflakes can spit on America?
Try telling that to our Wounded Warriors – whose arms and legs were blown off – fighting for our freedom. Without their sacrifice we would not be the land of the free or the home of the brave.
But concepts like duty and honor and courage, God and Country, are lost on many of the perpetually offended generation.
UC Davis student Michael Gofman understands those concepts. His parents fled the Soviet Union so their family could have a better life. Michael was one of the few students to oppose the flag bill.
To read rest of article visit Toddstarnes.com.