What Happened to America?

By: - December 11, 2018

“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not got to take it anymore!” Does anyone else feel like the announcer from the movie “Network”? I know I do.

I am not a partisan hack. I ran for a local county office and I view myself as a centrist. Maybe closer to the fiscal conservative mixed with a social liberal. I am a retired law enforcement officer and a military veteran. I fought for my country. I get tears in my eyes at the sound of the national anthem, and I weep when another soldier, law enforcement officer, or other hero loses their life defending their country. I would never think of dishonoring myself of this country by following the antics we saw from many football players. That was damaging to the NFL and, in my view, a disgrace.

I do not buy into the various this matters and that matters. I subscribe to the OpsLens approach that America matters. All the others are minutia and noise.

Juvenile Squabbles


As we watch the constant juvenile fights between the Democrats and the Republicans we wonder why these people, who admittedly entered public service for the greater good of the American people, have devolved into these partisan fights. No longer is it about doing what is right for America; it is now what can be done to beat the other party. Forget why they joined the government; now it is all self-interest and party politics. What caused them to lose their way so blatantly?

What happened to our country? There was a time not long ago when the communists and socialists were the enemies; now we elect them. The Democrats are championing the openly socialist former bartender as the new direction of the party. This person has no idea how government works and is so clearly not qualified to be making decisions for anyone but, somehow, she is the new golden child.

(Credit: Corey Torpie/Wikimedia Commons)


We used to believe in law and order. We used to trust our criminal justice system. Now the very institutions that we depended upon, the FBI and the DOJ, are so filled with partisan leadership that completely abandons the rule of law. It is hard to recognize the ones that need to go to jail from the ones that are supposed to put them there.

After the midterm elections, the new house lead by the Democrats only has one agenda. That agenda has absolutely nothing to do with governing, advancing the country, or looking after the interests of the nation. The entire plan is to get President Trump any way they can. They seem to think that the nation wants Congress to do nothing but investigate. Personally, and I think most of the people, those folks in Congress who were sent to the office to represent, are sick and tired of one investigation after another. The reasons are entirely transparent and have nothing to do with facts, truth, or anything like that. It is only revenge for losing the presidency and trying to make the other party pay. Congress doesn’t even try to make it look like something else. It is all infighting, nothing more.

Abandonment of the Rule of Law

How can it be that elected representatives of this nation can disregard the laws simply because it does not fit their agenda? How can any elected official condone the lunacy that is the illegal immigration that we have now? How can any elected official think that the rights of non-citizens that are not even in this country yet, much less legally, have rights that supersede those of law-abiding U.S. citizens? Why don’t the elected officials listen to the people they represent?

I live in a heavily Hispanic region of west Texas. The people are good people, and they work hard, but even these people, mainly Hispanic, do not approve of the illegal immigration. They came to this country legally and raised generations of families, all U.S. citizens, frowning upon those that are not going to the trouble to gain legal status by following the rules. This community does not look kindly on those that game the system and then compete with them, the people that did things right, for jobs and services.

Then we have groups like Antifa. These are domestic terrorists, plain and simple, but some of our elected politicians support them. That is just crazy, disloyal, un-American and wrong. The progressives, if that is what you want to call them, are not trying to advance anything. They are tearing the very fabric of the nation apart.

Free Everything

Free college for all, free healthcare for all, guaranteed employment, housing, higher wages, coupled with open borders will destroy the nation. Look at other countries throughout the world that have tried even a portion of this and..what do you see? Venezuela comes to mind. Now with the government-run social programs, and the highest taxes in the developed world, France is paying for their progressive sins.

One side looks at the approval rating of the president (forty percent or so) and say how terrible that is and how the country doesn’t approve of his policies. Well, those policies have thus far worked well. Talk about approval rate: look at the Congress, and you have the height of hypocrisy. By the way, the approval rating of Congress is less than 20 percent. Ironically, going all the way back to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the two presidents with the highest approval rate were President 41 and 43. Their names were Bush with 89 and 92 percent approval, respectively.

Stop it! Just Stop it!

We as a nation must get away from the partisan bickering. We must return to the rule of law. We must start thinking like citizens of the greatest country on earth.  But if we as a nation continue on the current path, embracing the things we know are wrong, bending over backward to let a few but loud voices scare us into complacency or worse, we will no longer have a country. We will no longer have a home as we have today. We will become the third-world mess of poverty, intolerance, central government control, and failure. Standards will sink, services will be worse, not better, and freedom, the very thing this nation was built on…will go the way of the dodo.


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