
Who Runs Our Government?

From the Donald Trump administration comes a report claiming U.S. natural disasters were being made worse by global warming. That report was released on Friday, November 23, 2018. Three days later, President Trump said that he did not believe the findings of that report.

This is huge! We have the will of the people, our elected president, dominating the Washington bureaucracy which is like putting the genie back in the bottle or de-creating Frankenstein.

Reports like these are the fertilizer (double entendre intended) used to grow our bureaucracies, and for an elected official to say “not on my watch” is the best news since VE Day in 1945. And it happens about that often.

The report itself is a mish-mash of half-truths, phony assumptions and unstated but implied citizen sloth in addressing a grave threat that is entirely fictitious. It says that natural disasters are increasing in cost and frequency because we citizens like electricity and our SUVs.

From Climatedepot.com, “New study by Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science & Meteorological Research Institute of Japan, published in Geophysical Letters: ‘We found a clear decreasing trend of global tropical cyclone (TC) frequency throughout the 228 years of the simulation…In our recent 228-year-long simulations from 1872 to 2099, a decreasing trend of global TC frequency is found not only in the future but also in the past during the 20th century.”

Even if there were a shred of truth about global warming, the report does not cite off-setting advantages like increased food production due to longer growing seasons and increased arable land.

More to the point: Who are these folks who thrive on creating and enforcing regulations on a free people? There are 2.5 million federal employees, not counting military, and they are the backbone of the richest metropolitan area of the country.

From insidermonkey.com (2010), the ten wealthiest states are as follows:

Washington D.C. $336,000 per resident
Connecticut $300,000 per resident
New Jersey $299,000 per resident
Maryland $298,000 per resident
Massachusetts $277,000 per resident
Virginia $265,000 per resident
New Hampshire $251,000 per resident
California $242,000 per resident
New York $238,000 per resident
Hawaii $236,000 per resident

That is more than ten percent greater than number two and $100,000 more than number ten, Hawaii, and they don’t produce anything besides governance. Not cars. Neither corn nor candy. Nada.

In addition to the direct cost, there is the crimp they put in a natural functioning free enterprise system. Every regulation, in some way, limits the utility of the object being regulated. Some are necessary for health and safety but too many are there as a result of self-aggrandizement of the agency or individual regulator.

An example was the extension of federal control of navigable waterways to include, “almost any body of water on farmland, no matter how small or unrelated to a federal interest, even a small pond dug for cattle,” according to a piece in lakeexpo.com.

Where does the money come from to support all this self-inflated influence?  Have you looked at your tax return lately? In point of fact, comparing 1960 with 2017, the per capita cost of government, adjusted for inflation, has tripled. Who is responsible? You should know, you keep voting for them.