
Amazing! 24 Excuses Hillary Clinton Has Used for Her Election Loss

As Hillary Clinton continues to come out of the woods and make more appearances following her devastating loss, the same theme is present at each of her speaking events – excuses…Oh the excuses.

Whether blaming former FBI Director James Comey, the Russians, the media (who was on her side more than any candidate ever) or the ‘broken’ voting system, one thing is clear in her mind – the loss was not her fault.  It must be nice to be so mentally disturbed that you cannot even comprehend why America dislikes you so much.  It is fascinating really.

To recap though, Fox News did the world a solid and released a more comprehensive list of the excuses that Mrs. Clinton has used for her embarrassing loss.  They are as follows (please hold your laughter until the end).

The FBI in general. 

Sorry Hillary, if anything, while under Democratic control, our intel and law enforcement agencies have been politicized in your favor.  There is far more political activity occurring in our national security apparatus than there should be, but you certainly did not receive the blunt of that cultural change.  Records have since come out that demonstrate that your team, President Obama and his staff did everything under their power to disrupt the revolutionary campaign and rise of then candidate Donald Trump.  This included using the intelligence apparatus to help thwart the Trump campaign.

James Comey, FBI Director at the time of Mrs. Clinton’s illegal handling of classified material.

Let’s be more creative than this.  You should have gone to prison for a LONG time for the mishandling of classified information, or at the very least lost your clearance and ability to run for President.  You should be sending Jim Comey a fruitcake and Christmas card until the day you die, which – outsiders perspective on your health – doesn’t seem that far away. Had anyone on our staff or any active government employee done a fraction of what you did, they would have lost their clearance and likely been sent to prison.