The Russians
We all, the US included, manipulate elections. It happens every year, everywhere across the globe. Having been in the positions that you served in you know this better than anyone. All major players want to control who is in power, because it provides the advantage to accomplishing specific goals, whether related to the economy, national security or otherwise.
Specifically, Vladimir Putin
True, Vladimir Putin does hate you, so do a lot of other people, but trust us, he didn’t make you lose, you did. In fact details are now coming out that your team had meetings with Russia on a number of issues prior to and during the election season.
‘Anti-American forces’
Honestly, what does that even mean Hillary? We will give you creativity points though
‘Low information voters’
Doesn’t that translate to liberals? We would advise against even getting us started on that argument. When illegals are bused in to vote to help further your agenda and people within your party are clamoring for ‘free’ education for all, as if we wouldn’t all pay through the nose for such a plan, it is pretty clear your side is the one with ‘low information voters’.