
20 of the Most Damaging US Traitors

James Hall lll

James W. Hall III is a former United States Army warrant officer and signals intelligence analyst in Germany who sold eavesdropping and code secrets to East Germany and the Soviet Union from 1983 to 1988.

He was nicknamed the “Stasi super-agent,” but after spending a quarter of a century in jail for selling top secret US intelligence data to the former Soviet Union and Communist East Germany, the ex-spy James Hall says he is ashamed of what he did.

Hall was convicted of espionage on July 20, 1989; he was fined $50,000 and given a dishonorable discharge and was serving a 40-year sentence for those activities at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, from which he was released in September 2011

After his arrest, Hall said there were many indicators visible to those around him that he was involved in questionable activity.  Hall’s activities inflicted grave damage on U.S. signals intelligence, and he is considered the “perpetrator of one of the most costly and damaging breaches of security of the long Cold War.

Ironically, I may have met Hall although I do not remember him.  I was assigned to Berlin Brigade and had military intelligence duties at the same time with Field Station Berlin (FSB).  Although not assigned to Teufelsberg as Hall was, it is very possible, in fact probable, he and I ran into each other at one time or another.